Your Body Can Help You Overcome Your Fears

Instead of constantly taking painkillers for that recurring pain in your head or back, ask yourself if this pain might not be caused by headaches or other problems.
Your body can help you overcome your fears

It may seem easy to overcome your fears. But actually it’s not that easy once you get started.

Our fears make us take a giant step back to avoid facing the painful emotions that could overwhelm us.

Sometimes we feel sorry for ourselves for not being able to overcome our fears on our own. We ask for help and blame others or say that we are simply always unlucky.

We do not realize that the answer or explanation for our suffering can be found within ourselves.

Our body expresses the feelings we suppress

Woman Having Pain In Her Lower Back Example Of Overcoming Your Fears By Listening To Your Body

Sometimes you suddenly suffer from anxiety or terrible headaches and it seems that this will never go away.

You hate to feel this way, like you’re sick, so that you only focus on the pain you feel. So you don’t look at what it could have been that brought this pain up so suddenly.

Your anxiety could be the result of unpleasant experiences in your relationship where you fear that you will lose others or that they will abandon you.

Headaches can arise when you are constantly worrying about anything and everything, when you are constantly rehashing certain events in your life.

You see your mind and body as two separate entities, but you don’t realize that all those things you’re holding inside will eventually manifest in the form of physical symptoms, as warning signs.

It’s not that your body is torturing itself. It’s your body trying to tell you that something needs to change.

However, what do we all do most of the time? That’s right, we’re ignoring these warning signs…

In order not to end up in self-destructive downward spirals, it is important to overcome your fears

Man Having Pain In His Elbow

Overcoming your fears, to look them in the eye and stop ignoring them is essential if you don’t want to get into those painful, self-destructive downward spirals.

Your fears will not go away on their own. They must be confronted and resolved. Fears stay or disappear based on the choices you make.

It is indeed true that it also hurts at first to face your fears. This pain can be so intense that you feel the need to escape, to run away from this unpleasant sensation.

However, continuing to give in to this feeling and keep on escaping will only cause the fear to linger for a while. Not only that, the fear will also increase until it manifests itself more and more in the form of physical symptoms.

An anxiety attack can lead to eczema. Headaches can eventually turn into excruciating migraines.

By turning your back on your fears and living in a situation that makes you so unhappy, you will become a gray person, who has no color in him at all and no glow at all.

Let’s listen to our body and give it a boost

Fit Woman Watching A Sunset

What if instead we just learned to listen to our bodies?  If we no longer did our best to close our ears. What if instead we listened intently to hear exactly what we are facing?

Perhaps it means telling someone how you feel, breaking up with someone who is hurting you, or radically changing your way of life.

Let’s use the information our bodies provide to rise above and overcome our fears. That way they will  have less power over us.

Remember, fears are just fears. Sometimes they are not even real, but rather something that we have created ourselves. For example, from our insecurities and the false beliefs we carry with us.

We must be brave. Let’s see the pain we experience in our bodies as help, not suffering. Let’s stop trying to hide this pain with drugs that only give us temporary relief.

If the pain persists, it is because we are resisting something. Let’s sharpen our ears. We have to find out what kind of situation we are in. And of course how to behave in this situation to overcome our fears.

Our body will let us know if we are on the right track or not.

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