Why Are Potatoes Healthy?

Potatoes are in the Wheel of Five. They are a good source of energy, fiber and vitamins for your body and help with proper bowel function.
Why are potatoes healthy?

Potatoes are the fourth most cultivated crop in the world after rice, wheat and maize. So you can say that they are one of the basic ingredients of many culinary dishes and daily dishes all over the world. They are not only easy to prepare and very tasty, but they are also rich in many nutrients that are good for health.

Potatoes help to lose weight

Would you like to lose a few pounds? Potatoes contain carbohydrates and many complex nutrients. For years it was thought that they belonged to the fatteners, but with their 26 calories per 100 mg, if prepared correctly, they can best be included in a slimming diet. 

Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which makes them feel full and reduces the urge to snack or snack.

Did you know that potatoes reduce stress?

The high doses of vitamin B6 contained in potatoes help to combat stress and depression and promote a balanced mood. Vitamin B6 is a necessary nutritional element that stimulates cell repair in the nervous system, which is necessary for optimal mental health. Just 100 grams of oven-baked potatoes already provide 20 percent of the daily portion of vitamins we need.


In addition , they also contain the amino acid GABA, which is also called the natural tranquilizer. People who suffer from burnout or depression are usually deficient in GABA. GABA regulates the traffic between nerve cells in the brain and ensures that they do not become overactive.

Reducing Inflammation By Eating Potatoes

If you often have to deal with internal or chronic inflammation, preparing potatoes can help to get rid of these conditions. Oven-cooked potatoes are easy to digest and protect the digestive system from irritation and inflammation.

External inflammation symptoms can also be treated by applying a raw potato to the inflamed areas. Chewing on pieces of raw potato also helps treat ulcers in the oral cavity.

Stimulating brain functions

Potatoes on the daily menu contribute greatly to a good general condition and health. Their high doses of iron and copper also keep the brain active and alert. Potatoes in their skins, grilled in the oven (without salt), therefore contribute to a better functioning of the memory and the functioning of the brain in general.

Manganese, potassium and vitamins B6 and C are known to have a stimulating effect on many brain functions, while the functioning of the general central nervous system also benefits from sufficient intake of the fatty acids and amino acids present in potatoes.

Potatoes provide a healthy digestive system

Potatoes also belong to the so-called superfood, which in addition to the nutritional elements listed above also contains large amounts of dietary fiber, making them one of the healthiest basic elements on the menu when prepared in moderation and in a healthy way.

Grilled potatoes already provide 12% of the daily amount of fiber needed for the digestive system to function properly. This puts them on the same level as whole grains and pasta.

Potato salad

Health Benefits

The health benefits of the potato will be most effective if you make sure that you prepare the bintjes correctly and healthily. Put them cooked or grilled in the skin on the menu. The skin of the potato contains the greatest concentration of fiber and nutrients.

Eat fries and fried potatoes as little as possible to avoid excess calories and saturated fats that clog the arteries.

Images courtesy of Buzz Hoffman and rkazda

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