When Is The Best Time To Eat Certain Foods?

There is a best time to eat certain foods. Since your body doesn’t burn nutrients at night, it’s a good idea to eat a light evening meal.
When is the best time to eat certain foods?

It’s not so much about what you eat as it is about gaining weight or losing weight. Instead, it’s more about when you eat it. After all, there is an optimal time to eat certain foods.

In this article, we share some recommendations for the best times of the day to eat different foods.

It is healthier to eat at least five meals a day.

The times when they taught you to eat three meals a day are officially gone.

Today, all experts agree that people should eat at least five times a day.

This includes the traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus two snacks between meals.

This notion is supported by another belief, which is a fairly deep-rooted tradition in medical science. It is said that the time between one meal and the next should never exceed three hours.

On the other hand, it is very likely that exceeding this length of time will cause problems such as being overweight, or not being able to lose excess weight.

The reason for this is that when you go over this length of time, your body will notice. Then it will think that there are not enough energy sources and your body will start to store up reserves.

This will slow down your metabolism and the calories you are taking in will not burn properly.

Breakfast: The most important meal of the day


The first meal of the day should replenish all the energy you used during the night. This will prepare your body for a day of physical and mental labor at this starting point.

Specialists recommend not to skip a meal. As for breakfast, this is paramount. You should start your day with the necessary nutrients.

They say that the healthiest breakfast consists of various products: dairy, fruit and grains.

However, this is not a fixed rule. Depending on the time you get up, you should have breakfast as early as possible. It should never be after 10 a.m.


Specialists state that the best time to eat the “third” (not the “second”) meal of the day is between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM.

Eating a lot of calories after 3pm is particularly counterproductive. This is because of the pounds of body weight they can add to your body. After this time, your digestive process becomes less efficient.

In the evening you have to prepare yourself to go to sleep


So, the breakfast must be lavish. The goal is to give you enough energy to start your working day. Dinner should be much lighter than all other meals of the day.

It is healthier to eat dinner at an earlier time. In addition, it is recommended that the fish or a piece of lean meat is accompanied by a dairy product. At least, as long as you don’t have a stomach problem.

The only thing you achieve with eating after 10 pm is undesirable. It carries the risk of gaining a little weight. It can also cause nightmares and trouble sleeping.

 About sweets, fruit, coffee and snacks

Desserts are usually in the spotlight when it comes to talking about dieting, losing weight or not getting too fat.

There are those who assure us that they should be completely removed from the menu. That way the desserts are not tempting either.

However, there are less radical options. These maintain the principle that you can eat desserts to a limited extent. However, you should never eat them after any of the three main meals.

As for eating pastries, it is recommended to eat them during the early part of the morning. The reason for this is that your body can better digest the carbohydrates before noon.

Another time to eat them is just before you start any physical activity. This will fill your body with energy, but it won’t put too much strain on your stomach.

Nutritionists recommend eating a piece of fruit before eating a meal. That fruit then comes instead of eating candy. This is a good way to reduce the feeling of hunger until you sit down to the table. Plus, it also makes you feel full.

Drinking well: this is just as important as eating

to drink water

There is no healthy diet if you don’t drink enough water.

Specialists therefore recommend:

  • Two glasses of water just after waking up to cleanse your body.
  • A glass of water half an hour before the main meals.
  • A glass of water before showering and going to sleep.

In total, you should drink one and a half to two liters of water per day. 

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