When Food Causes An Unpleasant Body Odor

An unpleasant body odor is not always a matter of proper hygiene. Sometimes it is caused by the things we eat. Certain ingredients cause almost everyone to suffer from this problem. Learn more about this in this article!
When food causes an unpleasant body odor

Did you know that some foods can cause you to get an unpleasant body odor? Our sweat has a certain smell and this smell can become stronger or change when we regularly consume certain foods.

We’re not talking about the unpleasant breath that lingers in your mouth for hours after you eat garlic. We’re talking about odors that linger even after you brush your teeth or eat a mint.

In this article we will tell you why this happens.

Can food cause (unpleasant) body odor?

Unpleasant smell

In short: yes. Although we often cannot understand this.

In addition, showering twice a day or changing socks throughout the day is often not even helpful. Deodorant doesn’t seem to work, and neither does toothpaste.

The unpleasant odor you exude comes out through your pores. And some foods can amplify this smell. This is because these foods make your sweat more acidic.

That frightening smell, that ‘bitter’ effect of your sweat, is caused by a chemical imbalance.  It is released when you exercise or otherwise move.

The toxins in your body are eliminated in different ways. The main ways are through faeces, breath and sweat.

Some factors can increase the likelihood of a stronger and more pungent odor. This is especially true if you are on a poor diet or if your diet is based on a lot of acidic foods.

Why? Because these types of foods make your body have to work harder to remove all waste.

Which foods cause an unpleasant body odor?

Have you tried everything to be clean and hygienic and still stink in the wind for an hour? If so, put the blame on nothing but the things you eat. Clean clothes, expensive perfume or talcum powder in your shoes will not work.

Do you want to know which foods can enhance your body odor? Here they are:

Red meat

Red meat

At Charles University in Prague, a group of scientists conducted a very peculiar and interesting study. They collected the sweat of men who regularly ate red meat and men who were vegetarian. Then they let a group of women smell this sweat.

Then they were asked which smell they found most unpleasant. Most women indicated that they found the sweat of the men who ate red meat most unpleasant.


Almost everyone knows that garlic gives you bad breath. In some people, however, this bulbous plant can also cause their body odor to become unpleasant.

Garlic is an indispensable ingredient in many recipes, but it also contains compounds that are released from the body through sweat. It is absorbed by your blood and lungs and then causes your skin and breath to emit an unpleasant odor.

hydrogenated fats

Fatty food

Hydrogenated fats are commonly used to make fast food. These fats break down quickly in your body. You’ve barely finished your hamburger (which is usually also made with red meat) or the smell you exude is almost unbearable.

It makes your skin oily. It doesn’t matter if you do nothing or sit still for a while. Due to the oil used during the preparation process, you will emit an unpleasant odor in any case; the oil that is also used to make those delicious fries that you get when you order a menu.


The aromatic spices that curry contains, such as cumin, are great for adding an interesting flavor to your dishes. However, they are also an enemy of your personal hygiene.

For example, if you eat an Indian dish for dinner and then exercise, you will notice that your sweat has a much stronger odor. This scent will remain noticeable even after you have had a bath.


Alcohol causes body odor

Alcoholic drinks offer far more drawbacks than benefits. When you have a drink in the morning, you will definitely stink later in the day. Even when you’ve been in the shower.

Alcohol gets into your blood. It is then released from your body through your pores and your breath.

This is exactly why your breath will be unbreathable. And at the same time you reveal your plans for the evening.


Sausages produce a similar effect to red meat and fast food. If you like sausages or pate, this may be the reason why you often emit an unpleasant odor.

Sausages are broken down in such a way that they can cause heartburn and intestinal gas. As a result, you will smell unbelievably bad.



Asparagus is delicious and super healthy. After you eat this vegetable, you may not notice an unpleasant odor coming from your pores, but you will notice that your urine has taken on a different odor.

This strong odor is caused by mercaptan sulfur. This is one of the ingredients that asparagus contains.


The fish itself usually has an odor from the moment we buy it until we prepare it. But even after it is prepared, it can still enhance your body odor.

Fortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Fish only has such an effect on people who suffer from a condition known as trimethylaminuria. 

This condition causes the body to break down fish with a delay. As a result, it is more difficult for the body to remove the toxins it contains.

Cabbage and broccoli


Cabbage and broccoli are really delicious. You can reach these vegetables in thousands of different ways. Unfortunately, they also belong to the “stinky” food family. This is because these vegetables are rich in sulfur.

The smell coming from your body is similar to the smell of rotten eggs. If you are very fond of these foods, the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks. They provide your body with a lot of antioxidants and nutrients.


Are you one of those people who can’t possibly start their day without having a cup of coffee first? Or maybe you are someone who drinks coffee several times a day. If so, then there is a good chance that this is the cause of your unpleasant body odor.

Caffeine stimulates your sweat glands and makes you sweat more.


Onion gives a delicious taste to your dishes. In addition, it is almost as indispensable in the kitchen as garlic. Unfortunately, it can also be the cause of that unpleasant odor that leaves your body through your pores and your mouth (especially if you eat it raw).

The oils contained in onions enter your bloodstream and are filtered through the lungs. They then leave your body again through your breath.

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