What Are The Benefits Of Beetroot?

If you want to get all the nutrients from a beetroot, it is best to eat them raw or roasted. In this way, the properties of red beets remain intact.
What are the benefits of beetroot?

Red beets are vegetables that are especially full of vitamin C. In addition, they contain a large amount of antioxidants and fiber. The benefits of beetroot are innumerable:

  • vitamins B (B1, B2, B3 and B6)
  • minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and copper)
  • carotene
  • sugars in the form of sucrose

This article will take a look at some of the amazing benefits of beetroot.

What is the nutritional composition of a beetroot?

What is the nutritional value of red beets

Red beets consist almost of 60% water. In every 100 grams of these vegetables you will find the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 43 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 9.56 g
  • Protein: 1.61 g
  • Fat: 0.17 g
  • Fiber: 2.8 g

The properties of red beets

  • The leaves of beetroot are high in vitamin A. They are also the part of the plant that contains the highest amount of vitamin C.
  • This vegetable is full of healthy sugars and provides a good amount of fiber.
  • In red beets we also find a high concentration of iron (three times higher than in spinach). So it strengthens your immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies and white blood cells.
  • Beetroot also contains phenolic compounds such as flavonoids. These elements make beets a great source of antioxidants.
  • In fact, beets contain three times more phenolic compounds than broccoli.

The benefits of beetroot for your health

1. Large amounts of iron

Red beets contain a lot of iron

The brilliant color of this vegetable is due to the presence of iron. Your body absorbs this substance fairly easily. This is something that happens less well with other vegetables.

Beets also help your body form hemoglobin. This protein in the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the other parts of the body.

People with anemia or with heavy periods may be deficient in this mineral. Eating beetroot regularly can help alleviate their problems.

2. Beetroot has a diuretic effect

This is also one of the benefits of beetroot. These vegetables are high in potassium. So they can help prevent fluid build-up and control high blood pressure.

The natural nitrates in beetroot also help to:

  • dilate your blood vessels
  • improve blood flow

3. This vegetable fights osteoporosis

With beetroot you can fight osteoporosis

Beets also contain a mineral called selenium. This substance is very important for the body. It ensures that your body uses calcium effectively.

As you know, calcium is essential for bones and teeth. You just need to drink a cup of beet juice every day. This will help fight conditions like osteoporosis and brittle bones.

4. With beetroot you can control diabetes

Red beets have a low glycemic index. This will help break down sugars more slowly in the gut.

In addition, this vegetable contains few calories and no fat. So it is a perfect food for people with diabetes. They can add it to their diet and thus satisfy their appetite for sweets.

5. Red beets have purifying properties

Beetroot has purifying properties

One of the other benefits of beets is that they stimulate the functioning of the intestines and kidneys. That’s because they speed up the elimination of toxins and waste.

They also have laxative properties that help fight constipation.

6. Beetroot supports the functioning of the thyroid gland

In red beets we also find iodine. Thanks to this element, beetroot ensures a balance of this mineral in your body. They support the functioning of the thyroid gland.

People with thyroid problems should get enough iodine.

How do you choose red beets and how do you store them?

  • It is best to choose red beets of about the same size. That means they will all cook at the same rate.
  • The best choice is smooth, firm, fleshy and round beetroot without spots or dents.
  • The flesh should be an intense red color and the leaves should be green. This is an indication that it is a young carrot.
  • Any long piece or piece with flaky skin will be hard, stringy and have a strong flavor. You have to remove those pieces.
  • Store beets in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. That way you can keep them for two to three weeks.
  • The green of the beets should be stored separately in a plastic bag. You can keep it out of the fridge for three to five days.
  • It is not recommended to freeze beetroot. This makes the vegetables soft.

How should you eat beetroot?

  • Red beets can be eaten in salads or cooked. However, you retain more of the properties and benefits of beetroot when you eat them raw.
  • Grate a raw beetroot and season it with a dressing of a little oil and lemon juice. However, you may find it easier to digest if you cook it first.
  • How do you cook beetroot? Just put them in boiling salted water without peeling them. That way they don’t lose color or taste. They should cook for at least an hour.
  • You can also prepare roasted beets. Place the beets in a preheated oven. Then let them cook until they are soft. This ensures that they retain almost all beneficial properties.
  • We do not recommend prepackaged beets. In this case, many of the beneficial properties and benefits of beetroot have already been lost. 

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