Vitamin D: The Key To Improving Muscle Function?

If you want to improve the general functioning of your muscles, then vitamin D can be the key. Take advantage of the health benefits that vitamin D can provide your body today. We explain it below.
Vitamin D: the key to improving your muscle function?

Have you ever felt that your body is not responding the way it should? It’s time to help improve your muscle function by increasing your vitamin D intake.

You may need to make some changes to your exercise routine, diet, and other factors. In addition, you may even need to provide your body with certain extra nutrients to improve performance.

On that subject, a study led by the University of Birmingham in the UK found that elevated levels of vitamin D could be vital for muscle tissue performance.

This study found that women who had healthy amounts of body fat and were fit were much less likely to have high levels of inactive vitamin D.

The Importance of Vitamin D

Their work was based on previous findings on the relationship between inactive levels of vitamin D and body composition. In total, there were 116 healthy volunteers in the study between the ages of 20 and 74. The scientists measured the active and inactive levels of vitamin D in the volunteers.

In addition, they also recorded certain physical characteristics, such as lean body mass and body fat. However, scientists say that active vitamin D is not linked to body fat. Rather, it is related to lean body mass.

They also noted that participants with increased muscle mass and lean body mass had higher levels of active vitamin D in their bloodstream. One of the study authors explained that it is possible that body fat is associated with a high amount of inactive vitamin D.

They also pointed out that lean body mass may be the “key” to higher levels of this nutrient. Fat-free mass is the whole of you:

  • muscles
  • internal organs
  • tissues
  • bones

This is why the researchers argue that it is critical to fully understand the big picture and all the other mechanisms in this study. Their goal is to help design future studies that will answer important questions about optimal levels of vitamin D and muscle tissues.

In addition, they also added that it is easier than ever to understand the mechanisms by which vitamin D strengthens bones. However, it is necessary to further investigate how it works with regard to the muscles of the body.

Vitamin D and improve your muscle function


In addition, a study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that a continuous deficiency of vitamin D can lead to muscle weakness. In the elderly, this vitamin content gradually decreases. However, this study showed that taking vitamin D supplements can improve muscle weakness.

This vitamin may be essential for bones to properly absorb calcium and reduce the formation of body fat. In addition, vitamin D has numerous potential benefits for our bodies and health. We’ll go into that now.

A healthy immune system

Vitamin D is a micronutrient that can help activate the cells of the immune system quickly and effectively.

Healthy teeth and bones

Bone health

High levels of this micronutrient can help you maintain healthy teeth and bones. This allows them to be strong and resilient.

  • Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium by your bones.
  • In addition, it is also essential to support the maintenance of bone consistency during aging.
  • Plus, it can also help protect you from injuries and fractures.

A healthy nervous system

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the human body. Having the right levels can reduce the chances of developing osteoporosis. It may also be necessary for the proper transmission of certain nerve impulses.

Adequate muscle function

As we explained above, vitamin D may be the key to improving your muscle function. With the help of a balanced diet, physical training and healthy sun exposure, you can maintain adequate levels of this micronutrient in your body.

In this way, you may be able to reduce the risk of serious injuries or fractures and relieve muscle soreness. You can also increase your strength, speed and stamina during any physical activity you perform.

Deficiency of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a problem for many people worldwide. It is usually related to a sedentary lifestyle, aging, a poorly balanced diet and too little sun exposure. This deficiency of this vitamin can potentially lead to or be associated with the following harmful effects on your health and muscle function:

  • Bowel and Colon Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • muscle weakness
  • Injuries in athletes
  • Fractions
  • muscle strain

Nothing in abundance

Always keep in mind that it is important to maintain a balance. Too much vitamin D can be just as harmful as a deficiency. This micronutrient can eventually be stored in the blood and cause problems such as arteriosclerosis.

Before taking a vitamin D supplement, see a specialist and verify that there really is a problem. This way you can be sure that you are taking good care of your body and that a supplement can help you improve your muscle function.

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