The Causes Of Bradypnea And Its Treatments

Bradypnea can cause fatigue, weakness, dizziness and confusion, among other things. Today’s article will explain why it occurs and the treatments available.
The Causes of Bradypnea and Its Treatments

Today we will tell you about the causes of bradypnea and its treatments. Bradypnea is a medical term used to refer to a lower than normal respiratory rate. Breathing is the process by which the lungs exchange gas. The body releases carbon dioxide to the outside world and takes in oxygen through breathing.

Oxygen is essential for the cells to perform their functions. More carbon dioxide accumulates and the amount of oxygen decreases when there are fewer breaths than normal. It can lead to complex consequences.

Bradypnea has multiple causes, and not all of them are malignant. However, it can be an indication of severity in certain situations. In this article we explain everything you need to know about it.

What is bradypnea?

The word ‘bradypnea’ comes from Greek. Bradys means ‘slowness’ and pnein means ‘breathing’. Thus, according to an article by Clínica Universidad de Navarra (Spanish link), this medical term is used to refer to a respiratory rate that is lower than normal.

We determine normality based on each person’s age and activity level. In an adult, it is normal to breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute. However, bradypnea is present when the rate falls below 12.

In addition, the condition is usually considered when sustained for more than two minutes. The problem is that this term is often confused with others, such as apnea or shortness of breath.

Dyspnea refers to the difficulty in breathing or the feeling of lack of air. Similarly, apnea is the temporary cessation of breathing. In addition, both bradypnea and apnea occur during sleep in certain people.

The opposite of bradypnea is tachypnea. The respiratory rate in this case is faster than normal and this can lead to problems. A person is considered tachypnea when they breathe more than 25 times per minute.

As mentioned in an article by the Fundación Argentina del Tórax (Spanish link), alcohol intoxication is one of the most common causes of slow breathing. However, there could be many more, as we will explain in the next section.

What are the causes of bradypnea?

Brain and alcohol

Bradypnea is not a disease as such, but a symptom that can occur in many situations. As we noted in the previous section, alcohol intoxication is one of the leading causes of bradypnea.

This is because alcohol acts on the respiratory center and inhibits it. This action causes breathing to slow down. However, it is not the only substance that can lead to this problem. Many other drugs, such as opioids, are also related to it.

In fact, the combination of benzodiazepines and alcohol is one of the main risk factors for respiratory depression. Benzodiazepines are anxiolytic drugs and many people use them.

Causes of bradypnea and other substances associated with it

Bradypnea can occur as a result of multiple substances. Another of these major toxins is carbon monoxide. People use it relatively often to commit suicide. It is a gas that can cause death when inhaled in high concentrations, as it causes a decrease in respiratory rate and intoxication.

Certain medications used to perform surgical procedures can also slow breathing. Muscle relaxants (often benzodiazepines), anesthetics or pain treatments (opioid derivatives) for example. It is therefore important to follow up afterwards.

Encephalic Problems

Breathing is a complex process coordinated by different parts of the brain. The brain controls conscious breathing. However, there are also respiratory centers in the brainstem.

These centers allow breathing under certain conditions where the brain is disrupted. For example, if there is a tumor or a traumatic injury. However, they cause slow breathing as they take over the act.

Electrolyte and Hormonal Imbalances

As we explained above, many factors influence the frequency and depth of breathing. Another reason bradypnea can occur is the imbalance of certain electrolytes, such as potassium or calcium.

It also occurs in certain metabolic diseases, such as hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones are, among other things, responsible for regulating energy expenditure and body temperature. The respiratory rate may decrease if they are lower than normal.

The Risk Factors for Bradypnea

An article published in EcuRed (Spanish link) explains a range of factors that increase the risk of bradypnea. Some of them are old age, smoking or heart disease. When someone goes into shock, that is also a risk.

It has also been associated with low body temperature (hypothermia) and with people who regularly exercise vigorously. In the latter case, it is not necessarily serious.

Symptoms and Complications of Bradypnea

Woman is breathing calmly

Bradypnea can change the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. Most of the symptoms that occur are due to a lack of oxygen. Tiredness, weakness, confusion, or dizziness are common.

In addition, people often feel dizzy or at risk of fainting. Headaches and chest pain are other common symptoms, as are poor coordination and memory problems.

Decreased oxygen in the blood can lead to complications, this is called hypoxemia. As a Bell Marra Health article explains, bradypnea increases the rate of fainting and heart problems.

Organs and tissues can even be seriously damaged. It causes cardiac arrest and even death in the most severe cases. Other complications include respiratory acidosis and hypercapnia (high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood).

Available treatments

Bradypnea does not require treatment in all cases. As we mentioned above, it often appears in a benign form. Either in people who are used to intense physical activity or during sleep.

It is therefore necessary to determine in which cases this sign suggests severity. It depends on the cause and the patient’s health situation.

For example, a medical approach is usually necessary when bradypnea is the result of a heart problem. The idea is to provide the oxygen the body needs. There are various forms of artificial ventilation for this.

Supportive treatment is usually required if the cause of bradypnea is a toxic substance. In some cases, they will use an antidote to the substance that caused the condition. This is the case of benzodiazepine intoxication, which can be treated with flumazenil.

Bradypnea is a symptom, not a disease

It is important to emphasize again that bradypnea is a decrease in respiratory rate. Doctors usually suspect it if a person takes less than 12 breaths per minute for more than two minutes.

The point is that this symptom can occur for multiple reasons, such as intoxication from alcohol or other drugs or due to certain underlying pathologies. However, not all cases indicate a life-threatening condition. So a doctor must determine the cause before choosing a treatment approach.

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