Stop Wasting Time With These Tips

Do you feel that there are not enough hours in a day to complete all your tasks? Or are you working hard, but not seeing results? Then it is time to start tackling the causes of time wasting.
Stop wasting time with these tips

Most of the time, the factors that cause a waste of time are unimportant, yet distracting enough to make you stray completely from what you were doing. It’s time to put an end to all that waste of time. Read on for tips on how to do that best!

This is how you put an end to wasting time

An end to wasting time: who are your ‘thieves of time’ anyway?

Which factors cause time wastage

To tackle the problem thoroughly, you must first identify your ‘thieves of the time’. Everyone has different factors that are the cause. It can be about people, but also about other things.

It’s important that you find out the reasons why you’re wasting so much time  so that you can make sure they don’t distract you from your daily activities.

plan your day

It is not always easy to plan your daily activities. Still, if you want to make the most of your time, you’ll need to make a list On the list are:

  • all the things you really need to do in a day.
  • the things you can move on to another moment.

By organizing your activities in this way, you can complete your ‘to-do list’ in a structured way.

Set the right priorities

It is essential to know how to plan your activities in order of importance. If you do, you will be able to tackle the most important tasks first.

After you’ve taken care of the top priority matters, you can move on to the rest of your activities.

Learn to say ‘no’

say no


Realize that you don’t always have to help everyone. It is therefore important that you learn to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty about it.

If you can say ‘no’, then you don’t have to do what other people expect of you. On the other hand, it helps you to free up time for your own activities, so that they will no longer pile up.

Make a plan

Just as everyone has their own character, we all have our own productivity level. Some people can work anywhere and are always productive. That’s a big advantage.

However, the reality is that not everyone is like that. It is therefore important that you know at which times you are most productive. Make sure that you are disturbed as little as possible during those moments, so that your productivity is not hindered.

Learn to delegate to end wasting time

Realize that you are not the only person who works hard. If you take all the responsibilities on your own shoulders, you will never have enough time to handle them.

It is therefore important to know how to transfer tasks to others. Give everyone a task that can be performed by others.  If necessary, someone else can always assist.

Control your phone usage

Control your phone usage

Long conversations are the ultimate time wasters. Therefore, make sure you keep the duration of your phone calls under control. Try the following tips:

  • If you know that an incoming call isn’t urgent and can wait until you’re done with what you’re doing, don’t answer. This prevents your work rhythm from being disrupted.
  • The same goes for messages: don’t waste time sending messages that can wait until the end of the day.
  • Following the news on social media is also a time-wasting factor.
  • In short: only pay attention to your phone if it is really necessary.

Limit the number of meetings and outings

Another effective way to stop wasting time is by limiting meetings.

  • Before you decide to accept a request for an appointment, consider what it is about and whether the appointment is really necessary or if it can wait until you finish your work.
  • Can’t wait for the appointment? Then keep it as short as possible!

Take a short break

It is always good to take some time to release tension. After working for several hours straight, you should rest for at least 10 minutes before continuing.  

Keep your things organized

Keep your things in order

If you have your things in order, your work will automatically become easier. You no longer have to search for things. In addition, a tidy and organized workplace promotes the working atmosphere.

Don’t be a perfectionist!

Everyone knows that things have to be done right. However, you are not supposed to become obsessed with doing things perfectly! That only ensures that you waste time, so that you can no longer get around to the rest of your tasks.

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