Seven Exercises For Stronger Shoulders

To avoid hurting yourself, it’s best to start with a light weight. If you use weights, you can gradually increase the weight as you become stronger yourself.
Seven exercises for stronger shoulders

Throughout history, having broad, strong and shapely shoulders has been a symbol of strength, power and authority.

When it comes to your appearance and your physique, the shoulders also play an important role. This body part forms the basis for the muscles in your arms and chest and keeps these muscles in balance.

If you don’t pay attention to this important part of your body while training, the muscle groups around the shoulders (the muscles in your arms and chest) will become very large in relation to your shoulders, which of course remain small and narrow without training.

The good news is that fortunately there are specific exercises you can perform to ensure that the muscles in your shoulders are in good proportion to the rest of your body,  giving you that coveted strong and shapely appearance. In the article below we therefore discuss seven exercises for stronger shoulders.

1. Outward Rotation

Stronger Shoulders

For starters, you will need to buy a fitness elastic to perform various exercises.

  • First, tie the elastic around a bar or sturdy piece of furniture, at the height of your elbows.
  • Then stand next to it and stretch your opposite arm across your body to grab the elastic. Hold the elastic tight in front of you.
  • Then bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle while keeping your arm tight against the side of your body, as if you were trying to hold a pencil under your armpit.
  • Then turn your body to the other side, away from the elastic. Do this in a short, quick motion.
  • Do three sets of 15 reps with both arms .

2. Shoulder lift with closure


For this exercise it is recommended to use weights so that you can gradually increase the intensity.

  • First, keep your arms straight and lift them straight out in front of you until they are in line with your nose. Then bend your elbows so that the weights are in line with your eyes.
  • Then extend your arms out in front of you again and lower them to your sides.
  • Try to start with two or three pounds per weight.
  • Do three sets of fifteen reps per arm.

3. Steel shoulders

  • Sit on a chair and stand with your feet on the elastic.
  • Keep the elastic with your feet firmly on the floor as you pull the other end up to your knees.  Then extend your arms over your head and bring them back down to your shoulders.
  • Repeat this movement slowly ten times in a row.

4. Arm Lifts

Arms Training

The advantage of this exercise is that you keep the weight against your torso the entire time, which allows you to maintain correct posture and not put too much pressure on your back.

  • Stand up straight first. Hold a weight in each hand and turn your head upward while keeping your arms extended in front of you.
  • Then lift your arms up to the level of your neck by bending your elbows and turning your hands in sideways.
  • Then slowly lower your arms back down. Do three sets of fifteen reps per arm.

5. Flabby Belly

  • Lie on your stomach with your face down and your right arm extended in the air.
  • Hold a weight with this arm and lift the arm up and then lower it again. Repeat this a few times. Bend your elbow slightly for a little more thrust.
  • Try to do three sets of 15 reps on each arm.

6. Shrug


This exercise should be performed with a heavy weight – try using a barbell with a few pounds on each side (again, not too much).

  • First, stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip, with your palms facing your thighs.
  • Keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lift the barbell up and place it behind your neck on your shoulders.
  • Shrug your shoulders as far as you can and hold the weight for a few seconds.

7. Front Dumbbell Lift

  • Hold a dumbbell of the same weight in both hands.
  • Then stand up straight with the dumbbells in front of your thighs and your arms straight.
  • Without moving your torso, try lifting the dumbbell forward in your left hand, with your elbow slightly bent and your palms facing down.
  • Raise your arm so that it is just a little higher than parallel to the ground. Exhale while holding your arm in the air for a few seconds.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position, then perform the same movement with your other arm.
  • Do ten reps per arm.

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