Rosemary Extract Against Cellulite

To achieve the desired results, it is important to use this rosemary extract regularly, maintain a healthy exercise schedule and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Rosemary extract against cellulite

Cellulite, or orange peel, is a cosmetic problem that mostly affects women, although a small number of men are also among the unlucky ones. This skin condition occurs when the soft tissues become inflamed due to a circulatory or lymphatic system problem. This creates small pits or bumps in the skin.

These bumps and pits usually appear on parts of the body where, due to fluid retention, you suffer from accumulated fat that is hidden under the deepest layer of skin. To date, the exact cause of cellulite is not yet known. However, scientists do believe that daily habits and hormonal changes have an influence.

What can you do about it?

Today there are plenty of products and treatments that are intended to reduce cellulite. These agents make the skin smoother and more beautiful. However, there are also natural alternatives that provide good results without costing a lot of money.

In this article, we look at the amazing properties that rosemary extract has to offer. A product that has been very popular for a while thanks to its ability to reduce cellulite.

Rosemary extract combats cellulite


Rosemary extract is used externally by many people due to the many benefits it offers. In addition, the well-known medicinal plant is well absorbed by the body when used in the form of an extract.

One of the most potent benefits of rosemary is its ability to reduce inflammation, making it a great resource for:

  • treat muscle problems,
  • improve blood circulation,
  • to prevent fluid retention,
  • improve the benefits of a massage
  • and much more.

Rosemary extract is also a good natural toner for the skin, ideal for maintaining elasticity and preventing sagging. Thanks to these important benefits, a rosemary extract can also be used so well to counteract cellulite and help prevent cellulite from coming back.

However, these benefits will only be apparent if you use the extract regularly and support the treatment with a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

How do you make your own rosemary extract?

rosemary extract

This natural product is available at pharmacies and most health food stores, but it is also very easy to make at home. Just make sure that the ingredients you use in this recipe are 100% natural.


  • A bunch of fresh rosemary sprigs, with leaves and flowers
  • 150 ml rubbing alcohol
  • 1 small glass bottle


  • First, put the rosemary in the glass bottle or jar, chopped or whole.
  • Then pour the rubbing alcohol over the rosemary. This is ethyl alcohol and is usually sold to clean and disinfect wounds.
  • Close the glass bottle tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for at least 15 days.
  • After fifteen days you pour it through the sieve and then the extract is ready to be used.

How to use the extract

  • First of all, it is important that you always exfoliate the skin well before a cellulite treatment, so that the agent can be better absorbed by the skin.
  • Once you’ve exfoliated the area of ​​skin you want to treat, apply the rosemary extract to the skin using a few cotton pads.
  • Massage the area from bottom to top. For example, if you want to treat the thighs, start at your knees and slowly massage towards the hips until you’ve massaged the entire area.
  • Pay extra attention to the back of your legs, just below the buttocks. This is an area where most women tend to be more prone to cellulite.
  • Leave the rosemary extract on the skin for ten minutes and then rinse it off with cool water. Finally, lubricate the skin with a good firming cream.

Please note the following

The way you apply the extract to the skin is important, as it stimulates circulation and eliminates the moisture trapped in these areas of the body.

Use this extract every day, in combination with a massage. And of course pay extra attention to the parts of the body where you suffer from cellulite.

When you apply this treatment in combination with a good diet and sufficient exercise, which mainly focuses on the buttocks and thighs, you will quickly see results of how the rosemary extract counteracts cellulite.

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