Remove Calluses With This Onion And White Wine Vinegar Remedy

Regularly rubbing your feet with a vinegar and onion remedy can eliminate bacteria on your feet and soften calluses and corns.
Remove calluses with this onion and white wine vinegar remedy

Calluses and corns are hard spots on your feet that arise, for example, because you wear the wrong shoes. However, there can also be constant friction or perhaps your feet are overloaded.

Calluses and corns are two of the most common aesthetic problems today and mainly occur under the heels or around the big toe. These problems usually do not directly affect your health. But calluses can cause the skin to crack, making you more susceptible to infections.

In addition, calluses and corns can become painful after a while, especially if the feet are still regularly exposed to the factors that caused the calluses and corns in the first place.

Affordable treatments

The good news is that you can counteract these problems with methods that are 100% natural. This means you don’t have to spend a lot of money on pricey products in the store. For example, there is a remedy made from white wine vinegar and onion that has properties that can eliminate bacteria and make feet softer.

Try it for yourself!

Natural means of onion and white wine vinegar to remove calluses


To remove calluses under your feet, the first step is to soften the skin and remove the dead skin cells that have built up on the surface of the skin.

Onions contain natural acids that support this process when applied externally to the skin. Although the strong smell of onions is not very pleasant, the great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make this bulbous vegetable well worth using regularly.

Onion contains a significant amount:

  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • folic acid
  • Nutrients that are essential to keep the skin healthy.

In addition, onions are a good source of sulfur, an antioxidant compound that supports cellular activity and limits the effects of free radicals.

Combine onion with wine vinegar

The natural juice from onions can moisturize dry areas of the skin, fight infection-causing bacteria and make feet softer.

When you also combine onion with white wine vinegar, you get a great remedy for effectively combating annoying problems such as calluses and corns.  Vinegar contains acetic acid and vitamins that help to soften the skin without affecting the body’s pH level.

How do you make this onion and white wine vinegar remedy?

Onion and Vinegar

This home remedy is a great solution to most foot problems: calluses, corns, fungus and blisters. Although the effect is not noticeable as quickly as with some medicines and pharmaceuticals, you will still see good results if you use this remedy regularly.


  • 1 medium onion
  • ¾ cup white wine vinegar (150 ml)
  • 1 glass container
  • Plastic wrap (as much as needed)
  • 1 cotton ball


  • Peel and wash the onion to remove any germs that may be on the onion.
  • Then cut the onion into slices and soak the slices in a bowl filled with white wine vinegar.
  • Leave the bowl like this for four to eight hours. Then, before going to bed, apply the mixture to your feet through the cotton ball.

How do you use this medicine?

  • Dip the piece of cotton wool in the mixture and then rub this cotton wool over the areas under your foot where you suffer from calluses.
  • Once your feet are completely covered, wrap the cotton ball around your feet using the plastic wrap.
  • Then put on a pair of socks and let the product do its work overnight.
  • Then rinse your feet with warm water the next day and rub your feet with a pumice stone to remove the calluses.
  • Repeat this process for seven days in a row or until your calluses are completely gone.

Tips for the best results…

  • Remember that warm and humid environments are ideal for the development of calluses and fungi. So try to avoid these kinds of environments.
  • Never use tweezers, nail scissors or other similar objects to remove calluses.
  • Wear flat, highly breathable shoes for at least the duration of this treatment to remove calluses.
  • Try not to wear high heels as much as possible, as high heels are one of the main causes of this problem.
  • To prevent new shoes from irritating your feet, you can lubricate your feet with a little Vaseline before putting on your new shoes.
  • Regularly disinfect your feet by soaking them in a bowl of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Try to exfoliate your feet daily.


Do you still suffer from unattractive problems like calluses and corns? Follow the advice in this article, give this remedy a try and find out if it can help you soften your feet.  Remember that it takes patience to achieve the desired results and most importantly you need to be consistent with the treatment.

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