Mistakes We Make: Falling In Love With Someone Who Is Already Taken

If the person you love has cheated on someone else, why do you think he will never cheat on you?
Mistakes we make: falling in love with someone who is already taken

Are you in love with someone who is already taken? This is a very complicated and sensitive issue. You can’t always avoid developing feelings for someone, but you should be aware of what this exceptional situation entails.

Sometimes love can be so blinding that you are not even aware of the mistakes you are making. Falling in love with someone who is already taken is one of those mistakes.

This situation can cause a lot of pain and this is often the case.

Today we are going to reveal some of the mistakes people make when they fall in love with someone who already has a partner.

Are you in love with someone who is already taken?

In love with someone who is already taken and the mistakes we make

Waiting for the other relationship to end

This may sound a bit heavy-handed, but if you’re in love with someone who’s already in a relationship, he might say things like, “I’m thinking about leaving my partner” or “I’m waiting for the right moment…”.

These kinds of statements make you sit and wait until you can finally start a real relationship. For now, however, the other is still stuck in another relationship.

However, if the person you’re in love with has made it clear that they won’t leave their partner, it doesn’t make sense to expect anything else. It is up to you to decide whether to accept that you are the ‘other’ person, or to cut off contact.

The first situation is more common. However, be aware that if the situation does not change after a few months, all your waiting will probably be in vain.

Some people have waited years for the person they were in love with to end their relationship. However, given the amount of time that has already passed, it is clear that it will never happen. No matter how hard the other claims the opposite.

For this reason, it is important to avoid sitting around waiting for someone to come to you. Even if he’s constantly whispering sweet things in your ears.

Trying to manipulate the other

In love with someone who is already taken

When you are in love with someone who is already taken, you may be unconsciously trying to hurt them.


Maybe your crush is so intense and your desire to ruin his relationship so strong that you start to harass him about his partner. You can say things like, ” If your partner acts like this, he/she doesn’t love you anymore, ” or ” He/she is just using you,” or “Maybe he/she already has someone else.” These are examples of manipulation.

You don’t give the other person a chance to make their own decisions. In fact, you fill his head with things that cause doubt and even fight between the two of you.

This causes nothing but a lot of pain and damage. You are not being honest and you are not giving the other person an opportunity to love you freely.

Believing that the person you are in love with will be faithful

Boy who cheats

Are you in love with someone who is already taken and do you think he will never cheat on you? This is one of the mistakes we want to highlight the most. Imagine that the person you are in love with ends up really breaking up with their relationship. Then why assume that he would never do the same to you?

Of course, there is a chance that he will actually be faithful. However, remember that with you he was also unfaithful to his partner. He has already shown before that he had no respect for his relationship.

Do you actually know what kind of values ​​the person you are in a relationship with has? Do you expect him to behave differently towards you? Just because you’re different?

Be very careful about the expectations you place on this person you are in love with, who had a partner at the beginning of your relationship.

If he wasn’t loyal to his previous partner, why should he be loyal to you?

Are you in love with someone who is already taken? This is a very complicated issue that can break you if you sit around waiting for something that will never happen. It can hurt anyone by damaging a relationship. Moreover, you can suffer a lot yourself if that person ends up cheating on you as well.

What do you think you would do if you fell in love with someone who is already taken?

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