Mask Against Varicose Veins With Aloe Vera And Apple Cider Vinegar

Do you suffer from varicose veins and do you want to know how to get rid of them? Try it with a mask.
Mask against varicose veins with aloe vera and apple cider vinegar

Do you have varicose veins and do you want to know how to get rid of them or how to improve their appearance? How about a mask against varicose veins?

Varicose veins are painful and unsightly and are often caused by genetics or by certain daily habits and lifestyle. Many people eventually resort to surgery, but we can also follow a few simple guidelines to change their appearance. Why don’t you give it a try?

How to make a mask to treat varicose veins?

explanation varicose veins



But what are varicose veins, why are they that color that makes our skin appear inflamed? Well, they arise in the legs as a result of poor circulation, venous insufficiency caused by an enzymatic alteration of the vessel wall, which prevents the blood from returning properly to the heart.

Usually the genetic factor is very determinative, but keep in mind that a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet can also contribute to the development of varicose veins. The blood stagnates in the calf, where tingling, cramping and heaviness occur. You know what we mean, right?

Well, let’s look at it objectively. To relieve them, we must have a healthy dose of willpower. Miracles do not exist, that should be clear,  and if our veins are very swollen we must first take a drug that prevents blood clots and improves circulation.

If the varicose veins are very long, surgery is recommended to avoid more serious problems. If your varicose veins are not too intense, then it is advisable to follow the guidelines that we are going to teach you now. Shall we start with the homemade cream now? Here we go.

What do I need?


This mask is very easy to make and the most important thing is to apply it consistently. What do we need? Rest assured, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on it and we assure you that its composition is really effective in relieving the varicose veins of our legs. Pay attention:

  • A root
  • Aloe vera (same amount as carrot)
  • Half a cup of apple cider vinegar

How do I prepare it?

To make this easy homemade varicose vein mask, do the following:

  •  First put the carrot in the blender and grind it well until a smooth mixture is formed.
  • Then add the aloe vera. We use the same amount of aloe vera pulp as from the root.
  • To get this pulp of aloe, we must first carefully remove the thorns from the stems.
  • Then we cut it open lengthwise.
  • Remove the pulp (the transparent part) with a spoon.

What’s the next step?

  • Add the apple cider vinegar. You have to guess the amount a bit. It should be enough to make a smooth paste with the carrot and aloe. It should not be too runny nor too thick, otherwise we will not be able to spread it properly on our varicose veins.
  • Now to get a smooth and homogeneous cream, we put the ingredients in the blender.

Now it is ready! Note, however, that you have to apply it in a very specific way.

  • Start the diffusion by massaging it in with your hands from the ankles to the calves and always upwards, favoring circulation.
  • Once you have applied it to the legs, leave the mask on for half an hour.
  • Then remove it with warm water.

You can apply this mask against varicose veins every day when you come home from work. If one day you don’t have time or don’t have all the ingredients, you can prepare some wipes that you have soaked with apple cider vinegar. Put them on the varicose veins and leave it on for 20 minutes. This is also very effective.

Don’t forget to include a healthy, balanced diet and exercise.  For example, go for a walk. Half an hour to an hour a day is enough. It costs nothing and does a lot for your health!

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