How Do You Bathe A Newborn?

Bathing a baby is fundamental to his or her well-being. But this implies certain concern when it comes to a newborn baby. Learn how to bathe your newborn baby.
How do you bathe a newborn baby?

If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve been wondering how to bathe a newborn. We all like to feel clean, but  the way we bathe as adults is very different from the proper way to wash a baby of a few days old. If you have any doubts about how to live this wonderful moment with your child, we will be your guide.

It’s probably your turn to bathe the little one today. You may be wondering: How should I bathe my newborn baby? Here we’ll give you some tips that you can’t miss when it comes to bathing your little one.

Bathing a newborn baby

baby wash

Before we became parents, we didn’t think about how to bathe a newborn baby, or what it all means. When new to parenthood, they tend to believe that the baby should be bathed every day, using lotion and other products.

There are several ways to bathe a baby that can affect the child. Using an inappropriate shampoo or soap, as well as answering a phone call while bathing the baby are just two mistakes anyone can make.

Here are the recommendations to follow when bathing a newborn with an umbilical cord and what to do if the baby no longer has an umbilical cord.

With umbilical cord

  • Wash the baby two or three times a week with a washcloth dipped in warm water. This way you avoid burns on your newborn baby. There is no need to bathe him or her every day if you frequently change diapers and wash the baby with wet washcloths.
  • Place a towel under the baby to prevent it from slipping or getting soaked with water. Always keep a dry towel handy after bathing to keep everything clean.
  • Use baby shampoo and soap that will not irritate the baby. To prevent these products from getting in their eyes, place your hand on their forehead to cover their eyes.
  • Don’t forget to use a soft towel to dry your little one. It’s even better that this one has a hood. This way you keep their head at the ideal temperature. It is good that you have at least three towels for the baby.
  • You can also sponge this in your own bath or put it in their own plastic bath for comfort. Remember, they need to be aware of you to avoid back injuries.
  • If the umbilical cord has become wet, it is not serious. Just dry it with a soft towel and continue washing your baby as usual. The umbilical cord will fall off on its own after three weeks.

Remember to be very careful with your little one. Cover the baby with a towel and check every part of the body while washing. If the baby doesn’t mind bathing, you can gently wash him or her without using a towel to cover him.

Without umbilical cord

baby in the bath

Consider the following tips to bathe a newborn without an umbilical cord and do it the best way:

  • Run warm water into the sink or plastic container. The temperature of the room should be between 23 and 25 degrees Celsius. The water should be around 37 degrees Celsius. It should not extend higher than your baby’s chest.
  • Start washing your little one from head to feet. In this order you prevent the child from coming into contact with bacteria.
  • Move gently to wash the back and buttocks. Remember that in this position the child must be supported on your arm to avoid accidents while washing.
  • Have fun with your baby while bathing. Smile and talk to him. You can both enjoy this moment, especially since it is important to hold and touch the baby a lot.

Other Tips for Bathing a Newborn Baby

Bath time is a magical moment between you and your baby. Someone may knock on the door or call your cell phone. Maybe you think you need to do something else quickly. If so, wrap a towel around your child and take him with you wherever you go. Never leave him alone in the bath as an accident can easily happen.

We hope you learned to enjoy this wonderful moment with your baby. Remember that once they are one year old, you can bathe your little one every day. So, let the fun begin!

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