Happiness Comes From Within Yourself, Not From Another

To be happy it is important to be at peace with yourself and comfortable with who you are. Once you have achieved this, you can continue to develop your own happiness in everything you do.
Happiness comes from within yourself, not from someone else

Happiness can be formed in many different ways.

Whether alone or with the person you love, this positive and always rewarding emotion is part of a specific and almost magical place: the emotional brain.

That’s why we want to make one thing clear: sharing your life with someone you love is wonderful. Sometimes, even when you have the best relationship in the world, it wo n’t be possible to be completely happy if you’re not happy with yourself first.

A sense of well-being, balance and happiness should always come from within. The best way to find happiness, whether alone or with someone, is to create peace in your heart and feel good about everything you are and have.

We invite you to reflect on this topic with us today.

Happiness comes from within – it is an inner journey

Lately, a particular theme has become more and more common in various books in most bookstores. This is  a theme that focuses on personal growth and how to develop happiness in difficult times.

It is certainly ironic that in a society where we have so much access to different facilities and technologies, feelings of emptiness, loneliness and sadness are so common.

Obviously everyone is different and we all have our own personal space. In this space we look for happiness.  However, sometimes that obvious and unpleasant feeling that you never really find happiness can be almost constant.

A good book about this that we would like to recommend is You Can Be Happy in Alaska. This book focuses primarily on cognitive psychology. The author  tries to teach the reader to deal with complex problems such as stress, depression and anxiety in a fun and practical way.

“People are made to be loved, while things are made to be used. One of the reasons the world is so chaotic is that things are loved and people used.”

You Can Be Happy in Alaska – Rafael Santandreu

red flower

Living in the present without fear

Happiness is primarily a lack of fear.

While this emotion may have essential utility in an evolutionary sense, as it can keep us from doing things our brains perceive as dangerous, fear can come from multiple subtle dimensions:

  • The fear of loneliness
  • Fear of not being loved the way you would like
  • The fear of not reaching the goals you set for yourself every day
  • Fear of not being what others expect of you
  • The fear that certain things will or will never change
  • The fear of losing certain things, certain people

You are undoubtedly familiar with this situation. So the first step to building inner happiness is rationalizing, understanding, and overcoming your fear.

One way to do this is to improve your confidence and make yourself less attached to certain things or people.

Learn to go through life lightly

Going through life lightly does not mean that no one can stand by your side. Not even at all. There are few things as beautiful as living together with your family, friends and others close to your heart.

  • Those partners in your life should give you the opportunity to move forward ‘lightly’. Someone eager to stand behind you to remind you of your mistakes, to whisper in your ear which direction to go or which roads to avoid, will not help you grow or find happiness.
  • Going through life lightly means knowing how to put aside things that hurt you and damage your self-confidence or identity.
  • Promoting your own freedom also means knowing where your priorities lie. We invite you to think about this for a moment.

Once you know what’s most important to you, the point is to fight for it. Everything else is just secondary.

A girl with flowers

Self love is a relationship that should last a lifetime

Happiness is a state that comes and goes, we all know that.

You probably also know that the aim is to create an inner balance. Your thoughts are in harmony with your emotions, but also the things you do every day.

  • Self-love is the perfect mechanism where the mind and emotions quietly align to create your reality as an essential psychological construct.
  • Self-love is that great bond that binds you to yourself and no one else. Others can’t tell you when you should or shouldn’t be happy by their whims.
  • You are the one who loves yourself and you have to fight every day for your own sense of well-being.

Someone who is happy with who he is feels, when his fears diminish and his dreams become visible on the horizon, a joy arises within himself with which he embraces the people around him.

It is worth developing this.

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