Five Mistakes That Cause Insomnia

When you go to bed, try changing the habit of checking your emails on your phone to reading a good book or magazine so that your brain doesn’t get overstimulated.
Five mistakes that cause insomnia

How many times a month do you suffer from insomnia? Is your lack of sleep something that causes problems for your daily activities?  If so, it’s time for you to do something about it. You may have some habits that cause insomnia.

Getting a deep, peaceful sleep improves your quality of life and gives you the energy to get through the day. Sometimes it’s easy to make mistakes that we’re not aware of, but that over-stimulate our brain and body, so you don’t get enough rest at night.

In today’s article, we invite you to learn  which bad habits cause insomnia. Do not miss it!

1. I need to sleep, I need to sleep…

Lay awake

This is a common phenomenon and it is something that you should keep in mind.

Let’s start with a simple example so you can understand what we mean: you come home late from work and you have a list of countless things to do before going to bed. When you’ve done everything, you suddenly realize it’s already late.

You go to bed and close your eyes telling yourself to go to sleep right now, because you need to have enough rest to get through tomorrow. You know what happens every time you do that? You will lie awake for hours.

Your brain should be allowed to shut itself off and relax at least two hours before you go to bed. Focusing on one thing can increase your stress level, preventing you from relaxing.

What is the solution? Don’t try to do anything that might make you worry before going to bed.

Finish your work two hours before going to bed and then read a good book to distract your mind. Sleep will come naturally.

2. An Irregular Schedule Can Cause Insomnia

Overworking can cause insomnia

Your body needs routine and habits, ways to regulate basic needs such as food and the sleep cycle. What does that mean? You can’t go to bed at ten at night today and at two at night tomorrow. Try to stick to a stable schedule.

Ideally, eat your last meal of the day at least two hours before going to bed, giving your body time to digest it. This is also the time when your body should start to relax and at the same time you can relax your muscles by taking a warm shower.

3. Electronic Devices

Mobile phone is bad for the night's sleep

This is something everyone does. Is there any way you can avoid it? How can you not check your email, keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram, send a few messages or watch a movie or TV show?

It’s common, but you should know that the screen of an electronic device stimulates the brain too much with electromagnetic waves, so it’s a good idea to find a balance.

Your TV doesn’t cause as many problems with sleep as a cell phone, tablet, or laptop. Why not? Because you usually have more distance from the TV, so the brain is less stimulated.

The best way to prevent insomnia is to turn off all your devices and read a book or magazine.

4. What do you eat in the evening?

Foods for insomnia

Many people come home very hungry after a long day at work and make meals that their bodies have a hard time digesting. You see this as the end of your day,  but what you are actually doing is giving your body an extra task when you should be sleeping.

Try to prepare lighter meals that contain protein, but are also easy to digest and fat-free. Good choices are for example:

  • soup
  • steamed vegetables
  • fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids
  • tea

Watch out for pre-cooked meals. We all know that these are quick and easy to prepare when you get home and don’t feel like cooking, but they contain a lot of preservatives and refined ingredients, making them very bad for your health and can cause insomnia.

5. The worries in your head

Worrying keeps you awake

Stress and anxiety that build up during the day tend to surface at night, when you go to bed and are suddenly surrounded by silence.

That’s when that voice in our heads suddenly becomes so clear and keeps reminding you of all your worries.  You spend hours thinking about these things when you should be sleeping.

Regulating stress is complicated and not always easy. It is important that you prioritize and make sure that your problems do not become the most important in your life.

Blow off some steam, take a deep breath, and go to bed without those dark clouds overhead, so all you see is shadows when you close your eyes.

Stop these habits that cause insomnia. Your night’s sleep will noticeably improve.

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