Five Home Remedies For Lower Uric Acid Levels

If you suffer from joint pain or gout, it is essential to keep an eye on your uric acid levels and ensure that they remain stable. This is to prevent the symptoms from worsening and leading to complications.
Five home remedies for lower uric acid levels

Do you know why it’s important to get a lower uric acid level? The build-up of uric acid in the body, a condition known as hyperuricemia, can cause inflammatory reactions and health problems. These naturally reduce the quality of life.

Uric acid is produced by the body itself. It breaks down purine (a component that can be found in many foods). Then the broken down purine is sent to the kidneys via the bloodstream. This way it can be removed from the body.

The problem arises when there is too much uric acid in the body. This may be due to the body’s inability to properly eliminate it or to the need to process higher amounts of purine.

Either way, the result is joint discomfort and an increased risk of kidney stones, gout and other problems that often worsen if not treated in time.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to naturally boost uric acid elimination. There are even remedies that promote kidney function, allowing uric acid to be filtered from the blood and expelled from the body through the urine.

Get a lower uric acid level with these home remedies

In this article, we share the details of five great home remedies to lower uric acid levels. So pay attention!

1. Lukewarm water and apple cider vinegar

Lower uric acid levels with apple cider vinegar

The natural acids of apple cider vinegar, especially malic acid, help to process uric acid. Thus, it can also prevent the formation of crystals and problems with inflammation. This natural ingredient ensures that blood is better purified and helps to regulate the body’s pH value.


  • 20 milliliters (2 tablespoons) apple cider vinegar
  • 250 milliliters (1 cup) water


  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in a cup of lukewarm water.

How to take this medicine

  • Drink this remedy on an empty stomach early in the morning and again later in the afternoon.
  • Do this every day for two to three weeks.

2. Nettle Infusion

One can use the purifying properties of nettle to purify the blood. Thus, it ensures a lower uric acid level.

The natural active ingredients of nettle promote kidney function. They help to clean the urinary tract and thus prevent blockages.


  • 10 grams (1 tablespoon) nettle
  • 250 milliliters (1 cup) water


  • Bring a cup of water to a boil. Then, when it boils, add the nettle.
  • Then put the lid on the pan and let the nettle infuse for about ten minutes.

How to take this medicine

  • Drink two cups of nettle infusion daily for ten days.

3. Horsetail Infusion

Lower uric acid levels with horsetail infusion

Horsetail is a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory plant. This can help to expel uric acid from the body through the urine.

Horsetail’s antioxidants protect the urinary system from the negative influence of free radicals and, among other things, help reduce the risk of kidney stones.


  • 10 grams (1 tablespoon) horsetail
  • 250 milliliters (1 cup) water


  • Bring a cup of water to a boil and add the horsetail to it.
  • Finally, let it steep for about ten minutes and then pour the water through the strainer.

How to take this medicine

  • Drink a cup of this infusion every morning on an empty stomach. Drink two or three more cups during the day.
  • Repeat for at least two weeks in a row.

4. Willow Infusion

Thanks to its ability to process purine, an infusion of willow can also be used to lower uric acid levels.

Its anti-inflammatory action helps to soothe joint pain and facilitate the treatment of gout.


  • 5 grams (1 teaspoon) willow bark
  • 250 milliliters (1 cup) water


  • Add the willow bark to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about ten minutes.
  • Then pour the water through the strainer and drink the infusion.

How to take this medicine

  • Drink a cup of willow infusion in the middle of the morning.
  • If you prefer, you can also soak a tissue in the infusion and apply it directly to the painful areas.

5. Onion Tea

Lower uric acid levels with onion tea

While onion tea may not have the most pleasant taste, it is a detoxifying drink that can help control hyperuricemia.

The antioxidants and natural acids contained in this tea help purify the blood and break down and remove uric acid crystals in the kidneys.


  • ½ onion
  • 500 milliliters (2 cups) water
  • 25 grams (1 tablespoon) honey


  • Chop half an onion. Bring two cups of water to a boil and when the water boils, add the onion.
  • Let the onion cook on low heat for another ten minutes and then turn off the heat.
  • Let the tea sit for a while, then pour it through the strainer and add some honey to sweeten it up.

How to take this medicine

  • Drink a cup of onion tea every morning and another cup later in the day.
  • Do this every day for at least two weeks in a row.

Do you suffer from joint pain or gout? Have blood tests shown you have high uric acid levels? Then, in addition to improving your diet, try incorporating some of the above remedies into your lifestyle. This may help counteract this problem and lower uric acid levels before it can lead to more serious conditions.

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