Ending Premenstrual Syndrome Once And For All

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) consists of a variety of symptoms that women experience in the days before their period.
Ending premenstrual syndrome once and for all

The symptoms (pain, swelling, headache, fatigue, etc.)   can range from minor discomfort to symptoms that can interfere with a woman’s daily life. But you can end premenstrual syndrome in a number of ways.

In this article, we present you some natural solutions. They will help you put an end to premenstrual syndrome once and for all.

Is it possible to cure premenstrual syndrome?

Many gynecologists claim that it is normal to have pain before menstruation. Yet it is also true that you should not ignore the signals your body is sending you. It may not be anything serious. But pain is always a sign that something is out of balance. We must and can correct it naturally.

So you can end premenstrual syndrome if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes. Your hormones are very sensitive to stress, toxins and a poor diet. You can find natural ways to ease the pain. However, we want to put an end to the premenstrual syndrome once and for all.

How can you end premenstrual syndrome?

1. Diet pattern

Diet is the foundation of any natural treatment that aims to end premenstrual syndrome. Your diet has the power to heal you or make you sick. That is why it should be your starting point for tackling any chronic health problem.

Which foods should you eat every day?

  • Fruits and vegetables: you can eat them raw (in salads, juices and smoothies) and cooked.
  • Whole grains like oatmeal, quinoa, millet, and so on.
  • legumes.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Superfoods such as hemp, wheatgrass, cocoa, maca, and so on.

You should also eat high quality animal protein sources (meat, fish, eggs, dairy). But you should eat these foods in moderation and if possible ensure that they are organic.

2. Emotions

Emotions are strongly linked to your health. This applies to both positive and negative emotions. It is important to remember that nerve problems, anxiety and stress as well as other emotional factors can negatively affect your hormones.

They can also greatly affect your relationships and how you communicate. To help balance your emotions, you can use homeopathy and other natural remedies.

3. Physical Exercise

Exercise to tackle PMS

Movement is not only good for keeping your weight down or providing resilience to your body. Physical training also activates your metabolism and other bodily functions that are good for your health and your mood. After training, your body secretes hormones that give you a pleasant feeling of relaxation, well-being and happiness.

  • We recommend that you combine stretching and relaxation exercises once or twice a week. Increase the intensity slightly every two or three days.
  • You can alternate between the gym and outdoor exercise. This can depend on the time of year and the weather conditions.

4. Supplements

How do you end premenstrual syndrome once and for all? You will need supplements to nourish and balance your entire hormonal system:

  • maca.  This is a highly stimulating Andean tuber that is full of antioxidants. It regulates the hormones in a natural way.
  • monk pepper.  It reduces the large amounts of estrogen caused by stress, diet or contraceptives.
  • Nutritional yeast or brewer’s yeast.  This product contains many vitamins and minerals. They support your hormonal system. In addition, it is very good for stress.
  • wormwood.  This herb is very effective in severe premenstrual cramps.
  • Magnesium.  This mineral is crucial for good health.
  • Vitamin C.  This vitamin is good for everyone. It is also very effective for menstrual cramps.
  • Turmeric.  Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory component of turmeric. It also possesses analgesic powers and the ability to improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  • Oil from linseed, wheat germ or primrose.  These oils contain many essential fatty acids.

5. Natural Techniques

Ending premenstrual syndrome

We give you some more natural techniques here. In this way you can put an end to the premenstrual syndrome:

  • Apply a clay compress to your abdomen.
  • Get ten minutes of sun every day.
  • Soak your feet in hot water.
  • Keep your stomach and lower back compressed.
  • Do stretching exercises for the pelvis and hips.
  • Apply heat to your abdomen with an electric blanket, hot water bottle, or something similar.

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