Detoxing The Pancreas Naturally

The pancreas is an organ that we often forget, but we must take good care of it. You can detoxify the pancreas naturally.
Detoxify the pancreas naturally

The pancreas is an organ that we don’t pay much attention to unless it hurts. However, this organ fulfills an important function in our body, because it is responsible for filtering the waste products that are produced daily. You can detoxify the pancreas naturally.

If too many toxins build up, the organ will not work as it should. This is why it is a good idea to detoxify the pancreas from time to time. So, in this article, we’ll show you how.

What you need to know about the pancreas

It can be said that the pancreas is one of the forgotten quantities, along with organs such as the spleen and the appendix. We are really only aware of their existence when something is wrong, but they all have their own specific function.

In this case, the pancreas is located in the abdominal cavity and is responsible, among other things, for:

  • Producing hormones
  • Help with the digestive process
  • Regulating the blood sugar level

If the pancreas is sick, the entire metabolism will suffer.  If a disease of the pancreas is not treated in time, it can become chronic. Some of the most common conditions are:

  • Pancreatitis:  It can be either acute or chronic. It can be caused by overeating unhealthy food, pregnancy or stress.
  • Pancreatic cancer: It can be fatal because it is often detected late and has already spread throughout the body  (this process is known as metastasis). By treating it quickly, the patient has a greater chance of survival.
  • Pancreatic insufficiency: This is when the pancreas cannot produce enough digestive enzymes and insulin. This condition is currently common due to poor eating habits, unhealthy diets, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and so on.

You should pay close attention to the symptoms in the following list, in this area of ​​the body, to determine the source of the disease. The main symptoms are:

  • Stomach ache
  • Vomit
  • Fever
  • Weight loss without changing eating habits.
  • Changes in blood sugar level without diabetes.

Plants that detoxify the pancreas naturally

Since we are all vulnerable to pancreatic problems,  we recommend following a proper detox diet to remove the residual substances that build up in the body, not just from the pancreas. 

The good news is that there are medicinal plants that detoxify the pancreas naturally.

It should be noted that these remedies are recommended as preventive measures for the ailments we have listed above.

The best plants that detoxify the pancreas naturally are:


dandelion tea

You use the roots of the plant for this remedy. It stimulates bile production and is good for the liver and gallbladder. At the same time, it promotes pancreatic health by reducing the workload of this organ (you could say it helps the pancreas do its job).

The correct dosage depends on the weight and age of the person.


Of course, garlic is also on the list. It has innumerable good qualities. Among other things, it is used for:

  • Promoting circulation.
  • Preventing and treating infections.
  • Treating intestinal parasites.
  • Regulating the blood sugar level.
  • Improving the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Healing wounds.

Start eating more garlic, preferably raw, with your meals. If you want you can eat a clove of garlic in the morning. You do need a toothpaste that smells strongly of mint, but it is very good for your health.

Gentian root (Gentiana lutea)

It is used to treat digestive problems and has proven beneficial properties for treating chronic pancreatitis and detoxifying the body. 

It is vermifuge (it is able to kill intestinal parasites) and helps to strengthen the liver. It also stimulates the appetite and is very nutritious.

You can make tea from:

  • One tablespoon of gentian root
  • One cup of water

First, heat the ingredients together and let it boil for five minutes. Then strain it and drink it. You can drink up to two cups a day.



Used in many desserts and infusions,  this spice aids digestion and also improves pancreatic health. Diabetics find cinnamon a powerful ally, as it reduces glucose in the blood. Sprinkle it on your coffee, cake or baked fruit.


Known for its ability to optimize the immune system, stimulate bile production, this plant is good for both pancreatic and spleen health. We do not recommend it to individuals with type 2 diabetes, as it affects insulin production. 

Make tea with:

  • One tablespoon of echinacea
  • One cup of boiling water

Juniper berries

This fruit comes from trees in the southeastern United States. It is used for its cleansing properties, as it  aids digestion and removes toxins.

Tips for a healthy pancreas

Drinking the teas mentioned above can help you detoxify your pancreas naturally, but you also need to develop some healthy habits to prevent the toxins from building up. For this you do the following:

  • Avoid spicy or spicy foods.
  • Reduce your intake of processed sugars and flour.
  • Drink less alcohol and coffee.
  • Don’t eat too much, especially in the evening.
  • Use more bitter and sour flavors in your diet to boost the production of gastric juices.
  • Also, don’t eat processed foods.
  • Eat more raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Exercise more often.
  • Reduce your stress, anxiety and nervousness.

So by following these steps that detoxify the pancreas naturally and a proper detox diet, the health of your pancreas will be perfect and it will have a positive effect on your life. 

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