Causes Of Mouth Sores And Treatments

Sores in the mouth are often caused by minor trauma. However, they can also be due to an infection or systemic disease. Read more about it in this article.
Causes of Mouth Sores and Treatments

You may not know the causes of mouth sores, but you’ve probably had them. People can also call them ‘aphthous ulcers’. These lesions appear on the tissue that lines the oral cavity, such as on the cheeks and lips and on the gums.

Mouth sores are common and uncomfortable and increase sensitivity to many foods. For example, drinking orange juice or hot drinks can be quite painful.

The location, shape, and causes of these lesions vary widely. They can even be caused by something as simple as a bite on the cheek or a symptom of a more complicated systemic process. They can even be the first sign of an infection.

Today’s article explains the main causes of mouth sores. We will also talk about the basic measures to treat them and cure them as quickly as possible.

Causes of Mouth Sores

Woman has an ulcer in her mouth

These lesions usually consist of a single round, whitish lesion surrounded by an inflamed area. They are rarely larger than 8 millimeters. In addition, there is often more than one ulcer and these are usually smaller than 3 millimeters. There are also cases where these lesions are larger and healing is more complex.

These differences in size and number are mainly due to the cause. For example, as we have already mentioned, it is normal to have a single wound from a minor bite. Other common causes include:

  • Any treatment at the dentist, especially the use of orthodontics and braces.
  • The herpes virus is often associated with several small mouth sores.
  • Those due to stress and hormonal changes are more common in women, as their hormonal change is more intense.
  • Smoking can cause mouth sores from a burn or even from the toxic additives contained in industrial cigarettes.
  • Many drugs can cause them, especially those used for chemotherapy and radiotherapy against certain cancers.

Systemic Causes

In addition to the above causes, there are numerous diseases that can lead to mouth sores. First of all, let’s emphasize that any nutritional deficiency can cause them. A lack of iron or vitamins, for example.

Another cause can be Behçet’s disease (Spanish link), the main feature of which is the inflammation of the blood vessels. This is because it causes damage to various body organs and also manifests through wounds in the mouth.

In addition, it is common for those who experience inflammatory bowel disease to encounter these lesions in their mouths as well. The same thing happens with celiac disease. Any pathology that causes wounds and blisters on the skin, such as pemphigus, can be the culprit.

How are mouth sores treated?

Aft in the mouth

As you can see, most wounds are benign. This means they go away on their own and usually don’t require treatment. However, you should investigate the cause if they tend to come back and there are no obvious causes, such as trauma.

While it is true that there is no reason to treat them, certain products promote and accelerate healing. Hyaluronic acid is an example of this, which is marketed in creams and ointments. In addition, some foods can further irritate the wound, so avoid them.

The mouth sores can also be the result of an infection, so in this case you need to treat them. The same goes for lesions that are a side effect of medications. In that case you have to change medicine.

You can use anesthetic mouthwashes such as lidocaine if the discomfort is too intense. Those that contain corticosteroids can reduce inflammation.

If the mouth sores are too bothersome or common, see a doctor. This is because they can be a symptom of a nutrient deficiency or disease that requires attention.

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