10 Things To Do For Breakfast

The first hours of the morning are the ideal time to engage in activities that require a lot of concentration. Dedicating this time to certain tasks will prepare you to face the rest of the day in a positive way. Here are 10 things to do before breakfast.
10 things to do for breakfast

Throughout the day you have to face all kinds of challenges and tasks. Starting the morning in an organized way and creating healthy habits before breakfast is therefore the best way to face the rest of the day with energy and productivity.

In the morning hours, the mind is more capable of solving complex activities. So many big corporate executives use that time for their priorities. Others use that time for exercise or family contact. With that in mind, here’s a set of habits to make the most of the hours before breakfast.

10 things to do for breakfast

1. Drink water before breakfast

Hydrating the body before breakfast is an important step to start the morning with healthy habits. The benefits of drinking water range from improving total calorie intake to boosting kidney function. It also promotes skin elasticity and helps prevent constipation. Some people prefer to add lemon.

2. Get up early

It may seem like one of the hardest habits to get used to, but getting up early is achievable with practice and perseverance. After getting up at the same time for a few weeks, the body gets used to it and understands that this is the right time.

Many successful people take advantage of the first moments of the day, from 5 or 6 in the morning, to perform tasks or physical activity without being interrupted. Then they begin the rest of their routine.

3. Avoid the 5 Minutes Habit When You Wake Up

Don't lie down when the alarm goes off

The first contact many people have when they open their eyes is with their alarm clock or phone alarm. These items offer a tempting, but not recommended option: lie down for another 5 minutes by pressing snooze.

Once your body has woken up, generating a new sleep cycle, even a short one, causes a sleepy effect for the rest of the day. This phenomenon is known as sleep inertia.

4. Exercise Before Breakfast

The most recommended activity to do before breakfast is exercise. A run, an anaerobic workout or a visit to the gym help to control your weight and activate the body.

5. Meditate or practice yoga

Another activity that can replace or supplement exercise is taking 15 to 20 minutes to relax and meditate. Detaching yourself from your thoughts and the tasks that are constantly waiting for you will help you avoid stress. You also improve your performance when solving later problems.

  • However, some people prefer to opt for yoga exercises.
  • Deep breathing or mindfulness techniques are also good options.

6. Stop, think and plan

The pace of work is often high and people often look disapprovingly when you stop and think about decisions. The demands to react quickly are becoming more immediate, which makes it difficult to work out the choices better.

Taking a few minutes to think and plan your day is a habit that contributes to mental organization. Making a list of daily, weekly, and even monthly goals will help you have a clear idea of ​​what to spend your time on.

7. Work on Important Projects

There are several reasons to tackle important tasks before breakfast. For example, there is usually more silence in the early morning hours, something that promotes concentration.

In general, the mind is more motivated and ready for the complexities. But above all, by doing them before the work contacts, meetings or things you have to answer to, you avoid distractions.

8. Work on personal projects for breakfast

Other people prefer to use the morning silence for personal development projects independent of the demands of the job. For example, writing a blog or a book, playing an instrument, or learning languages. However, these activities are often postponed in the afternoon or evening, due to the demands of the workday.

9. Family Time

Before breakfast you have time for the family

Different jobs, primary and/or secondary school can keep a family apart. When the evening falls, mental fatigue means that one can only watch TV, have dinner and sleep.

For this reason, many choose to spend time with those close to them before breakfast, be it a partner or children. Connecting with your family and having quality conversations, for example, is more likely without the thoughts and fatigue that get in the way during the day.

10. Read the news before breakfast

Keeping up to date with recent events through the newspaper, the news or social media is an activity that many people choose for the early hours. However, this is a personal habit. While it is healthy for some to start the day informed, others prefer to avoid the effect of negativity that current events bring.

Discover your own habits!

Of course, a single morning is not enough to do all these activities before breakfast. It is important to try to determine which habits are best for you.

It is also possible to create a work schedule that includes exercise, family time, meditation and dedication to personal projects. Even if you can’t quite follow the schedule, it’s useful as a reference.

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