How Do You Grow Rosemary, Parsley And Mint At Home?

Growing your own aromatic herbs ensures that they are free of pesticides and always on hand, with all their flavors and wonderful fragrance.
How do you grow rosemary, parsley and mint at home?

Herbs like rosemary, parsley and mint have adapted well to different soil types and climates, so they are great for home growing. These three herbs can be used at any time in the kitchen and have multiple medicinal uses.

In today’s article, we want to show you how to grow rosemary, parsley, and mint at home so you  always have a fresh supply when you need them.

How do you grow rosemary, parsley and mint at home?


rosemary tea

Rosemary is an aromatic herb with multiple health benefits. You can use it to make soup, in stews and it is even naturally insect and mosquito repellent. This plant is easy to grow at home and does not require much care. 

Let’s take a step-by-step look at the process of planting rosemary.

You need:

  • rosemary cuttings or seeds
  • jars
  • potting soil
  • pen scoop
  • water


  • Take a few cuttings about eight inches long. It is best to trim them during the summer.
  • If you don’t have cuttings, you can also buy seeds.
  • Fill a small pot with potting soil and make sure that the excess water can run out at the bottom.
  • Put the cuttings in the ground and put the pot in a place where it gets a lot of sunlight every day.
  • Another option is to plant rosemary in the garden,  as it adapts well to any type of soil.
  • Rosemary is an aromatic herb, so it prefers dry soil – don’t overwater.


Parsley on a cutting blade

Parsley is good for health and has many uses in the kitchen. You can easily grow this plant yourself at home and this is an excellent way to keep the taste and distinctive smell whenever you need it.

Parsley grown at home is fresher and tastier and retains 100% of its medicinal properties.

You need:

  • parsley seeds
  • potting soil
  • jars
  • water


  • The first thing to do is find a place in your house that gets between four and six hours of sunlight a day. Parsley needs a lot of sunlight and can hardly grow without sun.
  • Fill the pot with potting soil to about two inches from the rim to plant the parsley seeds. You can plant them at any time of year, but it’s best not to expose them to excessive heat or cold.
  • Note that the germination process is a little slow,  so it’s normal for it to take a few days to see a plant.
  • Make sure the pot has good drainage so the plant doesn’t drown.
  • To keep the parsley tender and soft, don’t let it bloom. It is best to remove the flowers as soon as you see the buds. You can also use the flowers to grow new parsley.


Drink with mint

Mint is a popular herb used to prevent and cure a number of health problems. 

It is a natural remedy against ants, aphids and other pests and it is also good for the skin. Mint is easy to grow at home and does not require much care. Follow the instructions below and enjoy the fresh scent in your home.

You need:

  • cuttings or seeds
  • jars
  • potting soil


  • The easiest way to grow mint is to use cuttings from another plant. You can also use seeds.
  • Mint grows horizontally, so it’s best to use a large pot about a foot in diameter.
  • Make sure the pot has good drainage for the water.
  • Fill the pot with enough soil, preferably the kind that contains a lot of nutrients.
  • Plant the seeds or cuttings.
  • Although mint needs sunlight,  the ideal spot is one with plenty of shade.
  • It is important to water the plant regularly as it does best in moist soil. 

Now you know how to grow rosemary, parsley and mint at home so that you always have these useful herbs at hand.

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