The Effects Of Smoking On Your Mental Health

Tobacco use does not only negatively affect your physical health. It can also lead to the onset and aggravation of certain mental disorders. Discover the effects of smoking on your mental health in this article.
The effects of smoking on your mental health

It’s no secret that the effects of smoking have a negative impact on your health. The high concentration of toxic substances in cigarettes exposes smokers to many diseases.

In addition to its effects on physical health, smoking can influence the development or worsening of certain mental disorders. Many believe that it is an effective method of relieving stress and anxiety, but it is far from helpful. In this article we explain the effects of smoking on your mental health.

The effects of smoking on your mental health

someone who says no to smoking

One of the main beliefs of smokers is that smoking can relieve their symptoms of stress and anxiety. Because of the perceived relaxing effect of smoking, some people are convinced of this.

Indeed, in the beginning, consuming tobacco often has a relaxing effect. However, this bad habit has the opposite effect in the long run.

The toxic components of cigarettes cause changes in brain chemistry. Nicotine provides an immediate sense of relaxation, which is why smokers believe it can relieve their anxiety. However, this relief is temporary and therefore both withdrawal symptoms and cravings occur.

While smoking more seems to be the most effective way to control these reactions, it is not the way to treat anxiety and its underlying causes. In fact, the fear probably originated in the first place as a result of tobacco use.

Smoking and Depression

In some cases, depression is also closely related to the effects of smoking. It is more difficult for people with this condition to quit because of the sensation of pleasure that nicotine produces. However, it is not clear whether smoking causes depression or whether depression may actually encourage people to smoke.

In any case , the components of tobacco impair the brain mechanisms that aid in the production of dopamine , an important hormone for well-being. While it may seem stimulating at first, in the long run it hinders its secretion.

Tips to quit smoking

Your physical and mental well-being improves significantly when you decide to quit smoking. In this regard, many of its benefits are already seen in the first weeks after quitting.

However, quitting is not always easy due to the effects smoking has on your body. That’s why it’s a good idea to implement the tips that we’ll elaborate below.

Design a plan to quit

Quitting all at once, also known as ‘cold turkey’, is the hardest way to say goodbye to smoking. People are best able to achieve their goals when they have a plan. That plan consists of devising various strategies with the help of professional help.

Choosing the right time to make this decision can be the key to success. In this way you are less likely to stop in times of worry, crisis or major changes. Some measures that you can include in this plan are:

  • Change your habits gradually as you improve your diet and adopt an exercise routine.
  • Stay away from environments that encourage smoking (parties, bars, etc.).
  • Practice healthy habits such as meditation, aromatherapy or get a therapeutic massage.
  • Start with activities that require concentration.
  • Write down memories.
  • Save the money you used to spend on cigarettes for a special purpose.

Improve your diet

A diet to quit smoking

A complete and balanced diet can be very helpful if you want to quit smoking. Although it is not the only solution to the withdrawal syndrome, it can have a positive impact.

High nutritional quality foods can help reduce the effects of smoking (such as toxins) on physical and mental well-being.

That’s why it’s a good idea to eat five or six times a day, choosing both satiating and healthy foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs, such as:

  • lean meat and fish
  • fresh vegetables and fresh fruit
  • whole-wheat products
  • nuts and seeds
  • olive oil

Increase your water intake

Some smokers indicate that consuming certain drinks increases the smoking pleasure. These drinks enhance the taste and effects of smoking. This is especially true for products such as:

  • Soft drink
  • alcohol
  • tea
  • coffee

Therefore, it is advisable to limit the intake of these drinks and increase your water intake during the day. The ideal habit is to drink at least two liters of water a day.

Seek professional help and family support

A woman in therapy

In the most difficult cases, therapy can help with smoking cessation. Both individual therapy and group counseling can help smokers break their habit.

Therapies are helpful for breaking the effects of smoking and changing the behavior that leads to this habit. For example, a psychologist can use various techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

This technique is quite effective when smokers also have symptoms of a psychological problem. In addition, it is essential to have family support, especially if other family members also smoke.

Are you planning to quit smoking? If the answer is yes, then try to follow the recommendations we shared with you above. If they don’t work, ask a professional about other alternatives, such as nicotine replacement therapy. 

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