Have You Eaten Too Much? Try This Ginger, Stevia And Apple Drink!

Did you know that ginger is one of the best ingredients for purifying the body and optimizing our digestion? We can add it to our recipes or drink it as a tea.
Eaten too much?  Try this ginger, stevia and apple drink!

How many times have we eaten too much because we just couldn’t resist? Everything is so delicious too! But don’t worry, this ginger, stevia and apple drink can effectively offset the negative effects of overeating.

Discover all the diuretic and purifying properties this drink has to offer, so that you can feel good after you have eaten too much.

Excess harms

Parties, Christmas, birthdays, etc. Everything is a good reason to prepare a feast.

The problem, however, is in the types of foods, amounts, and combinations that endanger our digestion and overall health.

We can avoid excess by learning:

  • to keep ourselves under control
  • eat slowly
  • chew well
  • to enjoy the food
  • choose the right foods and combine them well

For example, we can always have a portion of salad with every meal. By doing this, we will feel fuller and therefore eat less of the other, unhealthier foods. At the same time, we will improve our digestion.

Eaten too much? That’s how you compensate!

Dandelion tea

There are several ways to make up for excess food and drink:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but do not drink anything during or half an hour before and half an hour after meals. It is the easiest and most efficient way to cleanse and balance the body.
  • Skip the next meal or replace it with a light meal: fruits, salad, soup, vegetables, etc.
  • Use tea or supplements that improve liver function. The liver digests fats and eliminates toxins. For example, choose dandelion, milk thistle, artichoke, boldo, etc.
  • Drink the refreshing ginger, stevia and apple drink.

Recommended foods


It is a refreshing spicy root with significant beneficial properties for cleansing the body if we have eaten too much. Ginger:

  • fights bloating and fluid retention, as well as improves the purifying functions of the kidneys.
  • balances the digestive system, reduces stomach upset and activates stomach acid.
  • improves liver function and helps purify the blood and remove toxins.
  • speeds up the basal metabolism and helps burn calories.

We can consume it raw or in powder form, as a tea, juice or smoothie. It is also available as candy.



Stevia is not only a medicinal remedy but also one of the best natural sweeteners. And we can really add it to anything. It’s great to regulate our bodies after excess. Stevia is thought to:

  • lowers blood sugar and reduces cravings for sugary foods.
  • helps remove fluids from the body.
  • can gradually help lower high blood pressure.
  • improves the health of teeth and gums and prevents cavities.
  • has properties that aid digestion.

In addition, stevia contains hardly any calories.

To take advantage of the medicinal properties of stevia, the stevia must be pure. We can consume it as a liquid or powder. Stevia is green or dark brown and the taste is similar to that of licorice.

Refined stevia sweetens without sacrificing flavor, making it ideal for our recipes. However, it does not offer any beneficial properties.


Apples are highly recommended for cleansing the body and balancing the digestive and intestinal system. If we can buy organic apples, it’s best to eat the skin as well. It is rich in fiber and aids digestion.

An apple makes our drink just that little bit richer. It helps us skip the next meal and balance things out.

Drink of ginger, stevia and apple


This wonderfully refreshing drink of ginger, stevia and apple is a good compensation for when we have eaten too much.


  • 5 grams ground ginger
  • 5 grams of pure stevia powder
  • 1 apple
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)

What should you do?

  • Wash and peel the apple first.
  • Then put the apple together with the stevia, ginger and water in the blender and mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  • The result is a slightly creamy drink that we can drink both hot and cold.

The best way to consume it is to drink it throughout the day, at least two hours after a meal. Combine the drink with a balanced diet.

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