Five Vegetables That Are Easy To Grow

Are you looking for some vegetables that are easy to grow? Then you’ve come to the right place!
Five vegetables that are easy to grow

Eating vegetables every day is a habit that can help you lose weight and improve your health in several ways. And there are many types of vegetables that are easy to grow.

Foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients should be a regular part of your diet.

However, some vegetables are not always available fresh from the supermarket  and sometimes they can be so expensive that you just skip them and look for other options.

What many people don’t realize, however, is that there are plenty of vegetables out there that you can easily re-grow yourself with the help of a few simple tricks. All you have to do is use the part you would normally throw in the trash.

Because this may sound more complicated than it actually is, in this article we share a few of these vegetables that are easy to grow. You can re-grow them yourself and we’ll show you how easy it is.

Find out which vegetables we are talking about!

Vegetables that are easy to grow

1. Sla

Grow lettuce

Lettuce is a low-calorie vegetable that provides the body with a good amount of essential nutrients that support metabolism, kidney function and heart.

A small lettuce stump is enough to get a whole new head of lettuce. This is ideal for making salads or adding to smoothies.

How do you proceed?

  • Cut three centimeters off the bottom of a lettuce leaf and submerge it in a bowl of water.
  • Once you see roots starting to form, wait a few more days for the foliage to begin growing at the top as well.
  • Then plant the leaf in a pot in the garden to complete the growing process.

2. Celery

Celery is a vegetable that gives a lot of flavor to a lot of dishes that we all make every day. Plus, celery is also packed with nutrients.

You can use old celery stalks  to even grow celery at home as it is one of the vegetables that is easy to grow. And you have  the certainty that your plant is 100% fresh and organic.

How do you proceed?

  • Cut three inches off the bottom of a celery stalk and place in a bowl, cut side up.
  • Then add enough water to cover the bottom.
  • Keep the bowl in a sunny spot and add fresh water regularly until the roots begin to form.
  • Once you see the roots have sprouted, transplant the celery into the ground or into a pot and wait for the plant to start growing.

3. Asparagus

Asparagus is delicious, versatile, and above all, super healthy.

These thin stalks have become very popular in recent years, not only because they are an important source of nutrients, but also because they can help promote weight loss.

While it is also quite easy to plant seeds, you can also create a good harvest by using mature stems.

How do you proceed?

  • Save the stems of a few ripe asparagus and plant them in some loose soil.
  • Make sure to water the stems regularly and gently, being careful not to get the soil too wet, as this can cause the roots to rot.
  • This plant needs partial sunlight and the soil should be fed with organic fertilizer.
  • One or two years after planting your stems, you should be able to harvest your first asparagus.

4. Basil

Basil has been used in cooking and to brew natural remedies since ancient times.

Like celery, this is a plant that you can easily grow at home. It only takes a few pieces of stem.

How do you proceed?

  • Cut off the bottom of a few stems and place them in a cup of water.
  • Place this cup in a spot where the stems will catch direct sunlight and make sure to keep the stems submerged in water until you see roots begin to form.
  • Once this happens, transplant the stems into a pot where they can continue to grow.

5. Carrots

Growing carrots

You can also easily re-grow this vegetable, which can be used for so many dishes. You can do that by using the part that you, like probably everyone else, always just throw away.

Although you won’t get a whole new root this way, a large part of the vegetable will regrow.

How do you proceed?

  • Cut three inches off the top of a carrot. Insert a few toothpicks around this, so that you can let the carrot hang on the rim of a glass.
  • Then put some water in the glass up to the bottom of your piece of carrot.
  • Keep the glass in a place where your carrot will catch direct sunlight.  Gradually add more water so that the bottom of the root is always submerged.
  • Once you see roots starting to sprout, transplant your carrot into a pot.

Ready to try these tips yourself at home? Now you know how to use your vegetable scraps to grow vegetables again. There is nothing standing in the way of you to put these tips into practice for vegetables that are easy to grow yourself. Then you can enjoy delicious, fresh vegetables for longer.

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