Get Rid Of Pimples On Your Upper Arms

Hormonal fluctuations are the culprit that causes those unsightly red pimples on the upper arms. By following a fat-free diet and using a natural exfoliant, you will be able to reduce and prevent these bumps on the skin in the future.
Get rid of pimples on your upper arms

You probably know those small, red pimples on your upper arms that often first appear during puberty, but can appear just as often in adulthood.

It’s not serious, but they are often found annoying and it can make you insecure, because they are so unsightly when you want to put on that nice sleeveless top in the summer. It is a harmless skin condition that causes red bumps to appear on the back of the upper arms.

Although there is no question of a health problem here, we would like to describe in this article what you can do to get healthy skin again, so that you can enjoy the beautiful dresses and tops that you now have in the closet during the warm summer months. let hang.

How do the red pimples on your upper arms arise?

The small bumps are formed when the hair follicles of the skin become clogged by the formation of sebum. This secretion of fatty substance is mainly caused by hormonal changes in the body. These hormonal changes combined with some other causes form those ugly dots on the arms.

keratosis pilaris

If pimples first appear on your upper arms and you leave them untreated, you can develop permanent keratosis pilaris, or “goosebumps.”

This skin condition is caused by a continuous build-up of the protein keratin, which causes hard bumps to form in the hair follicles, which can quickly become inflamed. This inflammation gives the appearance of an ordinary pimple.

Pimples on the arms

People with dry skin suffer from it more often and you also see it more in people who suffer from atopic eczema, which seems to be hereditary.

If this skin condition makes you insecure and if you would like to find out the correct cause, feel free to make an appointment with a dermatologist, who can help you further and recommend an appropriate treatment to prevent even more bumps on the arms and thighs. to show up.

What is the cause of the “goosebumps” on upper arms and thighs?

You almost always see them at the beginning of puberty in girls (sometimes also in boys), due to hormonal fluctuations that “upside down” many functions in the body during this period. Yet it is also often pointed out that diet is an influencing factor, although this has not yet been scientifically proven.

Even if the cause of the pimple is not always clear, the good news is that there are some natural remedies that you can make yourself to get rid of it for good. You really don’t have to run to the store to buy expensive products that don’t always deliver the desired result.

You also run the risk that they contain chemicals that further damage the skin. Take a look below and discover what you can do yourself to get rid of goosebumps for good.


Exfoliating helps to prevent pimples

Exfoliating regularly keeps the skin soft and removes dead skin cells that gradually build up on the surface of the skin. These dead skin cells make it possible for sebum to build up, causing the red dots on the skin. Exfoliating can help you get rid of those pesky pimples on your upper arms.

Plan an afternoon off in your busy schedule and discover here how you can make a peeling with natural ingredients, so that you can ensure that those ugly pimples are a thing of the past.

What do you need for a natural peeling?

  • A tablespoon of honey or 25 grams
  • A tablespoon of sugar or 15 grams
  • And a tablespoon of cornflour or 15 grams
  • Two tablespoons of natural yogurt

How to use?

  • Mix all ingredients into a soft paste and massage the skin of the affected areas with circular movements. Then leave the paste on the skin for ten minutes.
  • Afterwards rinse well with cold water and use a good moisturizing cream that does not contain oil. It makes the skin softer, making it even easier to remove dead skin cells during the next peeling session.

water and salt

Can it be simpler? You always have water and salt at home and you can use it to easily remove excess sebum that collects on the skin.

What do you need?

  • Half a cup of sea salt or raw salt
  • hot water

How to use?

  • Pour half a cup of salt into a bath of warm/hot water and submerge your arms in the water. Let them soak in this bath for about ten minutes.
  • Make the water as hot as you can tolerate. The skin pores open, making sebum easier to expel.

Scrub with oats, salt and honey

Scrub with salt, oats and honey

This 100% natural treatment purifies, softens and hydrates the skin, while also clearing accumulated waste from the pores.

You will notice that the imperfections on the skin will disappear slowly but surely. This also applies to the pimples on your upper arms. What do you still need the expensive products from the stores for?

What do you need for this treatment?

  • Three tablespoons of oat flakes or ground oats (50 grams)
  • Two tablespoons of honey or about 50 grams
  • Two tablespoons of salt or about 15 grams

How do you best work?

  • Mix all ingredients. If necessary, add a little water to form an even paste. Apply the paste to the skin where you suffer from red bumps and massage these places with circular movements. Leave the cream to work for about fifteen minutes.
  • Repeat the treatment at least three times a week to achieve good results.

Green or pink clay

These natural products are also often used in many beauty treatments and have been shown to reduce the red pimples on your upper arms.


  • Two to three tablespoons of pink or green clay paste or powder

How do you proceed?

  • Dampen the clay mixture and apply a layer of this paste on the affected areas of the skin.
  • Do not use this method more than twice a week to avoid skin irritation. 

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