Detox Your Liver With These Six Healthy Foods

The health of the liver is essential, because it determines the perfect functioning of the rest of your body. Therefore, you should try to include some foods in your diet that support the natural detoxification of the liver.

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body, so it is essential to keep it healthy. Detoxing your liver can help with this.

This organ is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, above the stomach and close to the kidneys and intestines. The function of the liver is to control most of the chemical constituents in the body. He also takes care of the removal of bile.

During the digestion process, it breaks down the fats in the small intestine. This organ will therefore process, break down and balance everything that comes from the stomach and intestines. It also converts medications so that the body can use them without experiencing toxic effects.

The liver also has other tasks:

  • It converts excess glucose into glycogen.
  • This organ regulates the amount of amino acids in the blood.
  • It metabolizes alcohol.
  • Blood clots are controlled.
  • It purifies the bilirubin.

So it is not difficult to understand how important it is to keep the liver healthy. Moreover, you can easily achieve this. Add some detoxifying and purifying foods to your diet that will detoxify your liver.

When should you detox your liver?

This is what you should always do: eat foods that detoxify the liver and keep this organ healthy. This way you can prevent damage and problems.

But if you’re in the habit of eating an unbalanced diet, be on the lookout for the symptoms of a poisoned liver. These are the symptoms:

  • Nausea after eating fatty foods.
  • Stomach ache
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Bad breath, which is accompanied by white spots on the tongue.

If you start to experience these problems all the time, try to include the following foods in your diet as much as possible.

1. Detoxing Your Liver With Garlic

Garlic is purifying and improves liver health. That is thanks to the presence of selenium, arginine, vitamin B6 and vitamin C.

  • First, selenium aids in the detoxification processes. The antioxidants provide this effect.
  • Arginine is an amino acid. It promotes relaxation of the blood vessels. This acid helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure in the liver.
  • Finally, there are the vitamins and their abilities. Vitamin B6 has an anti-inflammatory effect, while vitamin C has an antioxidant effect on all cells.

2. Grapefruit

Detox your liver with grapefruit

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Actually, it is ideal to eat a grapefruit every day. If you choose to drink the juice, remember that you should not drink more than one glass per day (200 ml). The best way is to drink the juice of one grapefruit with some water.

That way you avoid taking in too much sugar.

You may not find it attractive to drink this juice with water. Then add grapefruit to your green smoothies. That way they become part of your diet.

3. Vegetables

Some vegetables can also help detoxify the liver and keep it healthy. We give you some examples:


Spinach increases the production of bile. The gallbladder cleans the circulatory system by removing toxins. It also neutralizes the effects of toxic metals, pesticides and other chemicals that some foods contain.


Beets contain a large amount of antioxidants and soluble fiber. That is why beetroot stimulates the liver to purify the blood.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Both broccoli and cauliflower belong to the cruciferous family. Both vegetables help to produce the enzymes necessary to remove toxins from the body.


Avocados are high in glutathione. This is one of the antioxidants that promote liver cleansing.

These fruits also provide us with a number of other ingredients:

  • Vitamin C:  This element helps to prevent the oxidation of the cells. It also neutralizes free radicals and protects liver cells.
  • Vitamins E and K:  These components possess anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Walnuts

Detox your liver with walnuts

Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids and glutathione. They have a cleansing effect and help detoxify your liver.

These nuts also prevent fat from building up in the liver. In addition, they also help build strong cell membranes around the cells of this organ.

However, remember that you should not eat more than five walnuts a day,  as they are high in calories.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin. Thanks to this compound, turmeric is used in multiple ways in Eastern cultures as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. That is also why it is an ideal tool to ensure a healthy liver.

In addition, it also helps to detoxify the liver and renew the cells. It also increases the production of bile.

Detox your liver at least every six months

Surely you should detox your liver at least twice a year. What is the main reason for this? The liver is a vital organ and responsible for multiple functions, which give you the opportunity to enjoy a good quality of life.

Also try to eat as few harmful foods as possible, such as fried foods and processed products.

Perhaps the foods in this article are not yet part of your daily diet. Try to add them gradually from now on.

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