Six Unusual Reasons Why You May Have Palpitations

A lack of exercise, like excessive physical activity, can be both factors that lead to palpitations. So you have to look for the golden mean between the two in order to take good care of your health.
Six unusual reasons why you may have palpitations

Do you feel palpitations, but you don’t know what’s causing it? Although you may not believe it, the causes of these palpitations vary widely and are not always clear.

There are many reasons why you may feel palpitations. Today we will share some of the most important with you here. Pay attention to this, but don’t worry about it more than necessary.

What exactly are palpitations?

Heart rhythm and palpitations

Before we get into the reasons why you might experience palpitations, you should know that this is a condition where the heart tends to feel heavy. This happens because it starts beating much faster than usual.

Some people describe this feeling as a fluttering sensation.

The palpitations are usually accompanied by:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Panic attacks
  • Pain in the throat and neck

The reasons why you feel palpitations

If you are experiencing unusual palpitations, it is important that you analyze your lifestyle. In general, small changes should be enough to solve this problem.

1. Fear

Anxiety and palpitations

Anxiety is one of the main reasons you may feel palpitations. It is important that you know how to control your emotions if you are about to have a panic attack.

Anxiety-induced palpitations don’t pose much of a risk, but you should try to calm yourself and get your emotions under control so the problem goes away quickly.

One option to overcome it is to lie down and think about something cheerful or relaxing. This will help you forget your heartbeat.

Little by little you feel your heart returning to its normal speed.

Avoid caffeine

It is also a good idea to avoid caffeine when you are experiencing a very anxious period. Opt for a cup of chamomile or mint tea instead.

2. Stress

If you often feel stressed, your heart may suffer. So the second reason you might feel palpitations could be a very busy lifestyle.

This is because your blood supply slows down and this can cause problems with your blood pressure and heart.

If you’ve been experiencing a lot of palpitations in the past few days, try this:

  • Do more exercise to release energy and stress
  • Lead a calmer lifestyle
  • Make a good plan for your work

3. Lack of physical exercise

lack of movement

Are you one of those people who avoid sports at all costs? You may need to revise this habit so you can live a healthier life.

While you may not believe it, little to no physical activity can be one of the other reasons you feel palpitations. It is important that you exercise for half an hour at least twice a week.

For many people, just walking from home to work or to the supermarket is enough.


Still, many exercise experts say it’s good to engage in physical activities whose sole purpose is exercise.

If you don’t take the time to put on workout clothes and plan your activities, your body and mind won’t register the activity as movement.

4. Too Much Physical Activity

We already know that too much of anything is never a good thing. Exercising too much is just as bad as doing nothing at all.

The negative effects are even more noticeable if you are 40 years of age or older, or if you choose to participate in strenuous sports.

This is another reason why you can feel palpitations even when the rest of your body is feeling fine. To make sure your physical activity doesn’t cause palpitations, don’t forget the following tips:

  • Do the activity at a pace that suits your personal skills.
  • Start the activities slowly and then increase the pace as your skills increase.
  • Get help from a fitness trainer.
  • Consult your doctor before starting a new sport.
  • Do stretching exercises before you start exercising.

5. Low Blood Pressure

Blood pressure in palpitations

Low blood pressure is a condition that is often very dangerous. It attacks the heart directly and can therefore cause palpitations and the feeling of heaviness in the heart.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with low blood pressure, it’s very important that you do everything he says to help you. The important thing is that you don’t let it get worse and you don’t have to change your medications.

To ensure that your heart is not compromised, limit yourself to a simple walk each day.

6. Previous Heart Disease

Making a cardiogram for palpitations

Have you ever had a heart condition? Some people have heart problems during childhood, which disappear over time.

The problem is, time, stress, and bad habits may be just some of the possible reasons you’re feeling palpitations.

If you have a previous condition, it is important that you consider the following:

  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly, but not too much.
  • Consult your doctor with any change in medication.

Various causes

As you can see, the unusual reasons you might feel palpitations are very diverse. We recommend that you always pay attention to these palpitations.

If they are isolated and irregular, don’t worry. However, you should see it as a signal that you need to lead a healthier lifestyle.

In case your palpitations are frequent, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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