Treating Herpes On The Back With 5 Natural Remedies

Herpes on the back occurs when the immune system’s defense mechanisms are down. You can resort to these natural remedies. However, you should also strengthen your immune system to prevent the herpes from getting worse.
Treating herpes on the back with 5 natural remedies

Herpes on the back is not just an aesthetic problem. This pathology can have various causes and symptoms. They depend on the specific virus that causes the herpes.

That is why it is best that you know which type of herpes you suffer from. You should also treat it as soon as possible.

There are excellent natural treatments such as:

  • Echinacea
  • brewer’s yeast
  • garlic,
  • propolis
  • aloe vera

They will help us fight and calm this condition. Discover the best natural remedies to treat herpes on the back here.

Herpes on the back

Herpes is an infectious disease caused by a virus. It is considered a chronic disease. After all, this virus remains in the body. It triggers an outbreak in response to various factors.

The symptoms, where the symptoms occur, and the severity also vary depending on the type of virus. That could be herpes simplex or herpes zoster.

The herpes on the back and every other variant appear on our body when our immune system is weakened. We can apply remedies to ease the pain or burning sensation.

Most importantly, however, we increase the defense mechanisms of the immune system. In this way we will prevent the herpes from getting worse, spreading and reoccurring.

Herpes on the back

Treat herpes on the back with natural medicines

1. Echinacea

Echinacea has anti-infective properties. They defend us against various germs such as viruses. In fact, echinacea is one of the most famous and oldest medicinal plants that people take to strengthen the immune system.

In addition, it can be effective in both herpes simplex and herpes zoster.

  • However, we don’t want echinacea to harm us. So we have to take it the right way. We also cannot take this plant more than three months apart.
  • It is best to take echinacea seasonally. Then take a break. Also, do not exceed a dose of 7 grams per day (for adults).

2. Brewer’s yeast

Lysine is an essential amino acid that helps fight viral infections and specifically herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Some foods contain high amounts of this nutrient. This is the case, for example, with brewer’s yeast or nutritional yeast.

Thanks to the lysine and many other nutrients, brewer’s yeast helps to achieve a balance and a strengthening of the nervous and immune system. In addition, it also acts as a blood purifier for the skin.

This is why we can take it daily in capsules or through food. After all, it has a nice taste that resembles nuts or cheese.



3. Garlic

Garlic is an excellent natural antibiotic that can fight herpes on the back. That goes for both herpes simplex and shingles.

This medicinal food has the positive property of helping to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. It also boosts defense mechanisms and helps prevent the virus from progressing further.

  • We can eat raw garlic and combine it with applying garlic directly to the affected skin. However, we must apply this remedy daily until we see results.
  • We can also perform the surprising Tibetan garlic cure. This ensures a thorough purification of the body and prevents the outbreak of herpes.

Some people have a hard time digesting garlic. It also causes bad breath. We can also take it in capsules in this case.

4. Propolis

Propolis is yet another great natural antibiotic. Especially the green variety from Brazil has this effect. This superfood fights all kinds of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

So it is useful if we always have propolis in our first aid kit. Then we can use it at the first symptoms.

To effectively end herpes on the back, we will have to combine topical application and taking propolis:

Oral Intake

  • 1 time 5 drops per day (preventive).
  • 5 drops every hour (with a full outbreak).
  • 3 times 5 drops per day (maintenance after the outbreak).

Apply locally

  • apply propolis to the herpes on the back 2 to 3 times a day.

5. Aloe Vera

We suggest aloe vera as a remedy to soothe the rash that causes irritating symptoms. Those symptoms are mainly:

  • itch
  • a burning sensation
  • pain

Aloe vera does not cure or remove herpes. Still, this plant can provide quick and natural relief when combined with the aforementioned treatments.

We need to apply the gel that we get from the stem of the aloe vera. The best way is to have our own plant at home. That way we can use it anytime.

We can also buy it as gel. In this case, however, we have to check that it is almost entirely the pure gel of the plant.

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