All About Toe And Foot Disorders

It is very important to wear the right shoes: shoes in which your toes are not pressed too much together. When you get home, take off your shoes immediately so that your feet don’t suffer unnecessarily.
All about toe and foot conditions

We often forget the toes on our feet. We don’t think about them until they eventually become exhausted and we suffer from all kinds of foot ailments. What can you do then? What precautions can you take?

In this article, we focus on these types of problems and common toe and foot conditions, and look at ways to treat them. Remember that it is always best to visit your doctor first.

Learn about the most common toe and foot conditions

For most of the day, our toes are crammed into shoes that aren’t always the best choice for our feet.

You may not be aware of this, but it is not at all uncommon for toes to become disfigured and worn out from lack of movement after years of wearing the wrong shoes.

It is therefore important that you find a way to balance this boundary of your feet.

We’re not just talking about the type of shoes you wear, but also about little exercises you can do with your toes to keep your toes from wasting.

So let’s take some time to analyze what the most common toe and foot conditions are.

1. Lumps (hallux valgus)

Often people think that lumps on the feet are only caused by wearing the wrong shoes for long periods.  However, this is not entirely true.

It also happens that people who ‘never wear shoes’ suffer from this deformity. So what are they caused by?

  • Some people are predisposed to develop this condition. This abnormality is often hereditary and therefore also congenital, transmitted from mother to daughter.
  • If you have a genetic predisposition and also wear inappropriate shoes, the problem will only get worse or occur much faster.
  • Flat feet: especially if your big toe is much bigger than the rest of your toes. An overly large big toe (also known as the Egyptian foot) is the main cause of lumps on the feet.

This is because the big toe is the most prominent. As a result, this toe is much more pinched by shoes than the other toes, resulting in a lump over time.

How can you treat lumps on the feet?

  • If other members of your family (your mother, grandmother or aunt) also suffer from this problem, then it is wise from an early age not to wear shoes that are tight at the toes.
  • It is important that you practice forms of movement that require the toes to move a lot, such as walking. You can also try picking up things from the floor with your toes (such as wipes, towels, etc.).
  • If you already have lumps, it’s important to make sure the lump doesn’t become inflamed. Take relaxing foot baths and add rosemary or lavender to the bath water.

2. Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails are very common and very painful. Have you ever suffered from it?

  • Ingrown toenails are caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and almost always occur on the big toe.
  • The way you clip your toenails can also cause ingrown toenails. Sometimes you may cut your nails too short or leave the corners square instead of rounding them.
  • Also, don’t forget that some people are just unlucky to be born with toenails that bend down, pushed into the skin, making these people more likely to suffer from this problem.

How can you prevent ingrown toenails?

  • Soak your feet in hot water.
  • Do not cut your nails too short and always cut them round so that there are no sharp corners that can damage the skin under the nail.
  • Avoid wearing very tight shoes that pinch your big toe.

3. Calluses, inflammation and pain in your toes

foot bath

Who has never suffered from a blister or callus on their feet? These foot conditions are quite common and can be very tiring.

There are twenty-six bones in our feet and fourteen of these bones are in the toes. When your toes hurt, you can’t walk properly. This means that you cannot go into the day comfortably and confidently.

What are the causes of calluses?

  • Wearing high heels or tight socks.
  • Dry feet
  • Lack of exfoliation
  • Calluses usually appear on the heels or on the sides of the big or small toes and are usually caused by friction. This problem can eventually become quite painful.

What can you do to treat calluses?

  • If you typically have to wear closed-toe shoes for much of the day, try taking a foot bath at the end of the day and thoroughly exfoliating your heels.
  • Massage your toes and lubricate your feet with rosehip essential oil before going to bed. Wear comfortable socks while sleeping.
  • To remove calluses, you can make an infusion of one liter of water and 10 grams of nettle. Pour the liquid into a small bath and soak your feet in it for twenty minutes.
  • Then scrub the calluses off your feet with a pumice stone.
  • Finally, massage your feet and toes with chamomile essential oil. 

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