Head Lice; Natural Remedies.

There are many natural tricks you can use to get rid of head lice and get rid of head lice permanently. They can even be reapplied as often as needed without the risk of causing irritation.
head lice;  natural remedies.

Head lice  are annoying critters that no one wants around. Unfortunately, if an infestation comes in contact with you or your children, it can be difficult to get rid of the head lice. After all, the tiny insects are able to increase their numbers with ease by multiplying.

Only humans suffer from this type of head lice. While they can be terribly annoying and cause a lot of irritation and embarrassment, they are not associated with any serious health problems.

So while they aren’t dangerous, we doubt anyone is waiting quietly and hoping these little insects will find a new home. Head lice will not magically disappear. In fact, the only way to get rid of it right away is to shave all your hair!

But since we know you probably like your hair and don’t want to take drastic action, we ‘ll show you some natural methods to get rid of your head lice.

Use mayonnaise against head lice

Mayonnaise as a remedy for head lice

Applying mayonnaise to your entire head may be the most effective natural way to get rid of head lice. This is due to the composition. It’s a powerful tool that can help you suffocate those little critters.

If the mayonnaise doesn’t suffocate all the lice, the survivors of the first attempt will be left dazed and trapped in the sauce. The survivors can then be easily removed with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure to wash your hair thoroughly afterwards.

We recommend repeating this treatment once a day for a week to achieve the best results.

In addition, a great side effect is that this treatment will ensure shiny and healthy locks. This is due to the properties of the mayonnaise.

Use olive oil

Olive oil has a viscous composition that, like mayonnaise, helps to eradicate lice by suffocating them.

  • To use this method, you simply need to take a generous amount of olive oil and apply it directly to your hair.
  • If you have very long hair, work in sections and apply the oil little by little until you’ve covered all the hair on your head.
  • Then cover your head with a shower cap or towel so that the oil can do its job all night.
  • In the morning, remove the hat or towel from your head and remove the lice from your hair with a fine-toothed comb. Then wash your hair as usual.

Use garlic

This method works very differently and does not use greasy or viscous substances to eliminate the lice caused by suffocation. It’s a great technique – as long as you’re not sensitive to the smell of garlic.

You will need between ten and twenty cloves of garlic, depending on the length of your hair.

  • Peel and pound the cloves in a mortar until you have a smooth, kneadable mass.
  • Then apply this paste directly to your hair.
  • Then let it do its job for 40 minutes to an hour.
  • Then you can wash your hair with your normal shampoo.

Don’t worry too much about the strong aroma. This will disappear with the help of the shampoo.

Use salt against head lice

Salt as a remedy for head lice

As you probably already know, salt is one of the most powerful natural ingredients when it comes to getting rid of unwanted crawling critters.

When combined with vinegar, it makes a great mix that can get you rid of those pesky head lice once and for all.

  • ½ cup salt (100 g)
  • ½ cup vinegar (125 ml)


  • Mix the salt with the vinegar until well blended.
  • Then apply it to your hair until your entire head is covered.
  • Cover your head with a shower cap and then leave it on all night.
  • The next day, wash your hair as usual and watch the lice disappear.

When using this treatment, be very careful not to get it in your eyes. When these two ingredients are mixed together, they can cause serious problems for your eyes.

  • Want to read more about salt?
    Experience the benefits of water with vinegar and baking soda

Use Vaseline

Vaseline as a remedy for head lice

This is another lice control method that is based on a greasy or oily ingredient.

  • Apply a generous amount of petroleum jelly to your hair.
  • Then cover it with a shower cap and let it sit all night to work in.
  • The next morning, remove the petroleum jelly by rinsing thoroughly with baby oil, then water, then comb through with a fine-toothed comb.

Keep in mind that Vaseline has a very thick consistency. It could clog the pores of your skin. For this reason, it is better to avoid applying large amounts directly to the skin. Concentrate on applying it to your hair.

And make sure that you do not use this treatment for more than three days in a row.

Use tea tree oil

Tea tree oil as a remedy for head lice

If you’re looking for a natural, yet less drastic, method that will help you get rid of head lice, definitely try tea tree oil. It is highly recommended due to its strong insecticidal properties.

Plus, it’s a friendlier option than salt, petroleum jelly, or garlic.

  • Use only the amount of tea tree oil you need and don’t overdo it. However, make sure your hair is well rubbed.
  • To avoid discomfort, cover your head with a shower cap or towel.  Let the tea tree oil sit overnight to do its job.
  • The next day, comb your hair intensively and rinse well with water. Repeat this every night for a week.

It is possible to get rid of your head lice naturally

We know that there are a wide variety of commercial products intended to combat head lice. The problem is, however, that the chemicals used can also be potentially very harmful.

  • We strongly recommend that you choose the remedy that appeals to you the most so that you get rid of your head lice. Even the salt and vinegar mix is ​​less harmful than the commercial products available.
  • You can also use these remedies as often as you think necessary to solve the problem.
  • If head lice still occur in those around you, we recommend that you continue using the chosen treatment for a few more days.
  • Finally, remember that you can also switch things up and try a different remedy. Varying the remedies can sometimes give the best results.

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