Tricks To Prevent Snoring

There are many natural remedies to stop snoring and we are not just talking about herbal teas. You can also find a balm based on rue and olive oil that acts as a decongestant.
Tricks to prevent snoring

Snoring can be a big problem for the person who snores. But also for the person who sleeps next to him or her or close by. The snoring sound occurs when something blocks the free flow of air through the nose and mouth.

It can also be a symptom of something called sleep apnea, where a person stops breathing partially or completely for about 10 seconds while sleeping.

Although snoring is not considered a health problem, it can disrupt sleep and be a sign that something is wrong with your body. For this reason, we recommend that you contact a doctor if you snore regularly. For other cases, there are natural ways to stop snoring and improve your sleep at the same time.

Why do you snore?

Snoring can be a result of excess drinking, obesity, colds, allergies or other conditions related to, among other things, a stuffy nose, the last trimester of pregnancy, nasal deformities and poor nutrition.

How can you treat snoring?

There are many natural tricks and remedies to treat snoring. Pay close attention and give them a try.

Avoid alcohol and tranquilizers


Like other sedatives , excess alcohol consumption relaxes the central nervous system, diaphragm muscles and jaw, increasing the likelihood of snoring.

Fight overweight and obesity

If you are overweight or obese, you should eat a healthier diet, exercise and adopt other ways to lose weight. These factors are one of the most common reasons you snore, as they put pressure on the respiratory tract and make it difficult to breathe.

Treat allergies

Allergic reaction

Individuals who have allergies are also more likely to snore. That’s why we recommend treating your allergies with a decongestant or antihistamine. You should also make sure that dust doesn’t build up on your furniture, carpets and curtains, as this can make the problem worse.

Sleep on your side

Many studies have shown that people who sleep on their backs tend to snore more. That is why we recommend that you sleep on your side. A good trick to get used to this is to put some tennis balls in a sock and put them in your bed.

The intention is that the discomfort will cause you to sleep on your side.

Choose a higher pillow

Using one or two higher pillows promotes airflow through the nasal passages and mouth, reducing the risk of snoring.


Sliced ​​Onion

An old trick that has helped many people is to cut an onion in half and sprinkle a good amount of salt over it. Once you’ve done this, you should put this on a plate and keep it near the head of the bed until the next morning.


A saline solution can unclog blocked nasal passages. This allows you to sleep with your mouth closed and reduces the chance that you will snore. All you need to do is mix half a teaspoon of salt with a cup of room temperature water.

Once you’ve done this, put a little bit of this solution in both nostrils.

nettle tea

Nettle tea is another good remedy for snoring less. You just need to put a tablespoon of dry nettle leaves in a cup of boiling water, cover it for 10 minutes and drink it before going to sleep.

sage tea


Sage is perfect for treating various respiratory problems, which is also one of the reasons why it is good to treat snoring. You just need to make a sage tea by adding some sage leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes, drain and drink it before going to sleep.

Olive oil and rue

For this remedy, all you need to do is mix one cup of olive oil with 50 grams of rue in an airtight container. This mixture should marinate for two weeks and then you can drain it and apply it with nasal strips. The rest can be stored in a dark container.

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