The 5 Best Natural Anxiolytics To Calm Anxiety

Moving, meditating, and doing activities that distract you from your anxious thoughts are the best ways to combat anxiety.
The 5 Best Natural Anxiolytics To Calm Anxiety

Anxiety is the early warning response to various situations and moments that are usually perceived as “dangerous” or “threatening” by those who experience them. In this article you will learn about 5 natural anxiolytics to calm anxiety.

In general, feelings of anxiety are caused by the defense mechanisms that our bodies create with the aim of reacting quickly to any kind of risk.

This defense mechanism is very useful in stressful moments. Today, however, it has become one of the most common problems among people as it has become their permanent condition of life.

This situation can ultimately affect their mental health and their daily lives. However, it can be controlled in several ways, such as:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Meditation
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Distracting Activities
  • Natural Anxiolytics

Among these options, natural anxiolytics are usually one of the easier options. Not only do these help reduce anxiety, but they also benefit your body in other ways.

If you’re looking for information on the best natural anxiolytics to calm anxiety, you’ll find the answer in this article. Read more!

Pharmaceutical Anxiolytics: How Do They Work?

Anti-anxiety drugs

Anxiolytics are pharmaceutical drugs that have the ability to fight the problems that cause anxiety. Fortunately, they usually have few side effects.

In general , anxiolytics cause, among other things, drowsiness and relaxation in the user.

These drugs contain benzodiazepines, active ingredients that you can find in:

  • sedatives
  • Hypnotics
  • Anxiolytics
  • Anti-Convulsive Medicine
  • Amnesiacs
  • Muscle relaxants

Individuals taking prescription medications containing benzodiazepines to control anxiety often require a progressive dose until they reach the necessary amount.

Some of the most well-known prescription drugs include:

  • Clonazepam, for general anxiety and social phobia.
  • Lorazepam, for panic attacks
  • Alprazolam, for panic attacks and general anxiety.

However, these drugs tend to cause withdrawal symptoms and other side effects. So the anxiety tends to come back once you stop taking the medication.

Why Use Natural Anxiolytics to Fight Anxiety?

Natural anxiolytics, unlike other drugs, can have many positive effects for your body. In addition, they also relieve:

  • anxiety problems
  • dysfunctions
  • existing conditions

In addition, they do not cause side effects or withdrawal symptoms. So problems tend to disappear completely even after you stop using them.

Natural Anxiolytics To Calm Anxiety

Among the medicinal plants used as substitutes and alternatives to anxiolytic drugs to relieve anxiety problems, you will find the products discussed below.

1. Melissa


Melissa is an anxiolytic plant that is able to significantly reduce problems caused by anxiety and stress. Among other things, it can calm your nerves effectively, quickly and naturally.

2. Linde


The linden is a very popular plant and one of the best natural options for calming your nerves and also the discomfort caused by anxiety.

3. Lavender


Lavender is a plant that belongs to the lamiaceae family. It is well known for its many uses. The plant is used, among other things, for the following:

  • Disinfection of wounds
  • Repel insects
  • Eliminate Migraines

In addition, lavender also has the ability to calm your nerves and reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Passionflower


Passionflower is a medicinal plant native to the forests of the United States. You can use it as a natural sedative capable of alleviating the following problems:

  • Nervous tension
  • Hyperactivity
  • Sleep problems

When used correctly, passionflower will help improve anxiety and completely relax you, among other things .

5. Chamomile


Chamomile is a plant that provides many functions and benefits to the human body, such as:

  • relieve abdominal pain
  • Eliminating Flatulence
  • Disinfect wounds
  • Reducing inflammation

Also, this incredible plant with anxiolytic properties has the ability to reduce your nerves and anxiety. Therefore, he relaxes your body.

How do you make natural anxiolytics?

The best way to make a natural anxiolytic that soothes and relieves these problems is to make an infusion with the chosen plant. That way you can effectively absorb all the benefits that are offered.


  • 200ml water
  • 15 g of the chosen plant
  • 25 g honey


  • First put the water in a pan and boil it.
  • Once the water is boiling, turn the heat to low and add the plant.
  • Cover the jar and then let the mixture steep for 15 minutes.
  • Then use a colander to separate the leaves from the liquid.
  • Add the honey and finally let it cool for 5 minutes before drinking.

That’s how you drink it

To alleviate the problems associated with anxiety, we recommend drinking between 2 and 3 cups (600 ml) of one of these infusions per day.

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