The Lymphatic System: Four Interesting Facts You Want To Know

There are four facts about the lymphatic system that you should definitely know. All you have to do is take a little better care of yourself. Keep in mind that simple things, such as eating a balanced diet and managing your emotions well, have a direct impact on your health and happiness.
The lymphatic system: four interesting facts you want to know

The lymphatic system is part of your circulatory system. It’s like a network, an incredibly complex system made up of communicating vessels, specialized tissue and organs.

These organs, like the spleen, have a very specific and wonderful function: to eliminate toxins, waste and other unwanted material from your body.

However, it does many other vital things for your health that you will definitely want to learn more about. Today we would like to help you learn more about the lymphatic system. We’re going to look at what it is, what it does, and most importantly, what you can do to take better care of it.

1. The Lymphatic System and Tissue Fluid

Your body’s lymphatic system removes useless elements, such as waste and dead cells. It also has an equally important task: to boost your immune response. It does this with tissue fluid. This is a liquid that activates your natural defenses and strengthens your white blood cells.

In addition, the lymphatic system also regulates the concentration of proteins in your body. Meanwhile, it also regulates your production of chylus, a fluid formed from bile that  stimulates the production of certain amino acids.

As you can see, the lymphatic system has a more exciting job than you probably thought!

2. Organs that make up the lymphatic system

The organs of the lymphatic system

Here’s an interesting fact: Your brain is connected to your lymphatic system through your sinuses. So what we’re talking about is a network of blood vessels that extends through pretty much your entire body. Let’s take a look at the main parts of it.

bone marrow

Bone marrow , as you know, produces every cell you have in your body. Among these cells we also find tissue fluid and lymphocytes, which are part of your lymphatic system.

The thymus

The role of the thymus in the lymphatic system

We’ve talked about the thymus here before. This small organ serves a very important purpose in the lymphatic system. It produces lymphocytes, an essential type of white blood cells in your immune system.

the spleen

the spleen

Some people still think the spleen has no purpose. However, this is a myth. After all, this organ has the important job of filtering your blood and removing problematic cells or waste that your body no longer needs.

The lymph nodes

What you probably already know about the lymph nodes is that they sometimes become inflamed. In addition, they are prone to cancer, such as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s disease, for example.

However, what else do you need to know about them?  They are small nodes that appear in groups in different parts of your body, such as your armpits and groin. Their purpose is to target bacteria and infections.

3. Diseases and the Lymphatic System

The first sign of a disease in the lymphatic system is inflamed lymph nodes. This is the most noticeable symptom. However, there are other signs as well.

Let’s take a look at some information about that.


  • This is a common problem in women who have had a mastectomy for breast cancer.
  • What happens is that the tissue fluid builds up. Thus, the person sees an increase in volume and noticeable inflammation in the arms or legs.


Inflammatory cells
  • Adenopathy is inflammation of the lymph node. It is not always caused by cancer. In fact, it is usually the result of a weak immune system.
  • In addition, adenopathy is also  often caused by viruses, such as the measles or mononucleosis.
  • As we mentioned above, inflamed lymph nodes are also associated with Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin’s disease. Fortunately, these are diseases that can have a good prognosis if detected early.


We can subdivide these into lymphodynamic and lymphostatic edema. The first kind is caused by simple circulatory problems. However, the latter is due to lymphatic insufficiency due to protein accumulation.

4. Tips to take better care of your lymphatic system

You now know that the lymphatic system has two very fundamental tasks:

  • First, it purifies your body.
  • Second, it helps protect you from viruses and bacteria by boosting your immune system.

That’s why it’s vital to improve your habits. In this way you can take care of this network of organs, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels that does so much for you.

Here are some simple tips for doing that:

  • Eat fresh, organic food.
  • Make an effort to lower your stress levels.
  • Sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day.
  • Take hot, relaxing baths and then finish with a cold shower.
  • Move in moderation.
  • Drink water with lemon.
  • Massages that activate the lymphatic circulation are very beneficial.
  • Nettle and aloe vera teas are exceptionally good.
  • Do yoga.

Finally, we conclude that your lymphatic system is worth your attention. All you have to do is take a little better care of yourself. Keep in mind that simple things like eating a balanced diet and managing your emotions well have a direct impact on your health and happiness.

How will you put this into practice today?

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