How Do You Make Lavender Soap Yourself?

Lavender is a medicinal plant with many beneficial properties. The plant also has an amazing scent and color.
How do you make lavender soap yourself?

In this article we will explain step by step how to make a natural lavender soap at home according to two recipes. One recipe is more complicated, but the other is a bit simpler. This soap offers a number of benefits and can be used in different ways. It is also a very cheap and very original gift.

Why choose lavender soap?

We’ll give you a few reasons why we recommend making your own lavender soap.

  • The scent of lavender can help you relax. For many people this is a wonderful aroma. So you can add a lavender scent to your furniture, clothing, bedding, etc. The soft scent is also ideal for children and babies.
  • You can also use this plant as an antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial remedy. If your doctor agrees, you can apply lavender soap to cuts, eczema, acne, boils, or burns. These properties also make lavender soap an excellent cleaning agent.
  • Finally, the purple color gives lavender soap an original touch and makes it a simple and original gift.

Instructions to Make Lavender Soap

First we have a list of the ingredients  we will be using:

  • 210 ml olive oil or sunflower oil
  • 30 grams sodium hydroxide
  • 65ml distilled water
  • Essential Lavender Oil
  • Fresh or dried lavender flowers

You should also prepare the following supplies  :

  • A shape of your choice. One option is to cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle. However, do not use an aluminum mould.
  • Very important: protective glasses and gloves. Sodium hydroxide is a highly corrosive product and should never be touched with your bare hands!
  • Blender
  • cooking pan
  • Glass bowl
  • Wooden spoon for stirring


lavender soap

  • Get the pan ready and place a few lavender flowers in it first. This way you will see the shape of the flowers when you remove the soap from the mold.
  • Using protective glasses and gloves, carefully place the glass bowl in the sink and add the sodium hydroxide. Then add the distilled water. Follow this order to avoid splashing. Because this process produces a reaction that creates gases, you should leave the bowl until it cools. Ideally, you should do this with an open window, to allow the room to ventilate as well and as quickly as possible. Be very careful!
  • Put the oil in the pan and heat over a low heat. When the oil has heated to about 40 degrees Celsius, remove it from the heat and gently mix in the sodium hydroxide  using the immersion blender. Be careful not to make any splashes. Blend until the mixture thickens and has the consistency of gel.
  • Without waiting for the mixture to cool, add 20 to 30 drops of lavender essential oil and lavender flowers. Mix everything well.
  • Pour this mixture into the mold and add more lavender flowers so that they are also visible from the bottom and sides.
  • Cover with a towel to retain the heat until the mixture turns to soap. Allow to set until it cools, between 12 and 24 hours, taking care not to move or stir it.
  • Once the mixture has cooled, you can remove it from the mold. Leave the result in a fresh and dry place, so that it hardens and ripens, about between one and a half to two months.

Additional tips

If you are happy with the result, you can make a little more soap next time. For that you have to multiply the ingredients proportionally and use different shapes, or even a cake mold.

If you decide to use the latter shape, you can cut the soap into pieces with a knife once it has cooled down. Keep the pieces slightly separated to allow the soap to mature and dry.

We emphasize once again that you should always be careful when using the sodium hydroxide. Always keep children and pets away. If your skin comes into contact with the sodium hydroxide, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Also keep the skin under the tap for at least 15 minutes.

A simple, alternative recipe

If you want to make the soap, but find the above recipe too complicated, we have an easier option to get homemade lavender soap.

Buy a transparent or clear glycerin soap. Heat the soap au bain marie until it melts. Then add a few drops of lavender essential oil and a few lavender flowers. While it is still hot, pour the mixture into the desired shape and finally let it cool.

Photos courtesy of LilBaysoap, svendah and FelinusNoir.

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