Five Natural Remedies For Heavy Periods

Besides an uncomfortable feeling for women who suffer from this, heavy periods can lead to other problems, such as constant weakness or anemia due to a lack of iron.
Five Natural Remedies For Heavy Periods

There are five natural remedies that can help if you suffer from heavy periods. The medical term is menorrhagia, and it is characterized by an excessive amount of menstrual fluids. It is one of the most common problems with menstruation.

This uncomfortable medical condition keeps many women from doing their daily activities on a regular basis. And it can sometimes result in moodiness. This is partly due to the uncertainty about the risk of leaks or stains.

If women have heavy bleeding for a long time, it can happen that anemia develops. In addition, physical weakness and other negative effects can be experienced. This is not good for their health.

Be aware that there are  several natural remedies for heavy periods that you can try. They may help to control your symptoms. This can prevent you from having to use medication.

Five Natural Remedies For Heavy Periods

1. Apple cider vinegar

Drink with apple cider vinegar

Due to its high nutrient content, apple cider vinegar is one of the best ingredients for remedies to combat the negative effects of heavy periods.

It can have a beneficial effect on reducing hormonal imbalance and swelling. At the same time, its purifying properties can greatly improve your overall health.


  • 15 ml organic apple cider vinegar
  • 250ml warm water


  • Put the water in a cup and then mix in the apple cider vinegar.


  • Drink 2 to 3 cups at least 3 times a week.
  • Drink the tea every day in the week before your period.

2. Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is one of the healthiest spices for women. Consuming cinnamon can help balance hormones and reduce menstrual problems.

Cinnamon often helps naturally against inflammation and cramps. It also affects the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and helps to prevent them.


  • 3 g ground cinnamon
  • 250 ml boiling water


  • Put the boiling water in a cup and then add the cinnamon.
  • Cover the drink and let it cool for 10 minutes.
  • If you pour the tea through a fine sieve, you can enjoy a delicious cup of tea.


  • Drink two cups a day for the week before your period.

3. Raspberry Leaf Tea

raspberry leaf tea

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of raspberry leaf are great for treating some of the problems that result from heavy periods. The high content of tannins is good for the muscles of the uterus. They can reduce menstrual pain and bloating.


  • 15 g dried raspberry leaves
  • 250 ml boiling water


  • Place the raspberry leaves in a pan with the boiling water.
  • Then let the tea, with the lid on the pan, simmer gently for 3 minutes over a low heat.
  • Then turn off the heat and let it steep for another 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea before use.


  • Drink 2 to 3 cups daily.
  • Start taking it 5 days before your period.

4. Bach Flower Remedies

Bach flower remedies are not only a natural remedy for heavy menstruation, but by taking these extracts, women’s sensitivity during menstruation can be greatly reduced. They often also help to prevent mood swings.


  • 5 drops Bach flower extract
  • 125ml warm water


  • Dissolve the Bach flowers extract in warm water and then drink this mixture.


  • Take twice a day, before and after your period.

5. Licorice tea with honey

Licorice tea with honey

Licorice contains active ingredients that help regulate estrogen levels in the body. As a result, it can help prevent heavy menstrual bleeding. Combining liquorice with honey creates a relaxing and anti-inflammatory agent.

This tea has a beneficial effect on the bloating, which will decrease. It can also reduce the pain caused by menstruation.


  • 5 gr liquorice
  • 250ml water
  • 25 gr honey


  • First put the liquorice with the water in a pan and then bring this mixture to the boil.
  • Then turn the heat to low when the water is boiling and let the tea simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat after 3 minutes and let the tea steep for another 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and then you can add the honey.


  • Drink the tea in the middle of the morning and another cup in the afternoon.
  • Drink the tea 3 to 5 days before your period.

Try one of these natural remedies for heavy periods if you suffer from it. The result of these remedies may vary from person to person, as it depends on the hormonal activity. Every woman’s hormonal balance is different. All the remedies mentioned above generally have a calming effect on the body.

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