Fighting Fungal Nails With Apple Cider Vinegar And Baking Soda

Did you know that you can treat fungal nails with apple cider vinegar and baking soda? Learn more about how to use this remedy in this article!
Fighting lime nails with apple cider vinegar and baking soda

When an overgrowth of dermatophytes or yeast occurs, it usually causes fungal nails. It is also called nail fungus, or onychomycosis (medical term). Fortunately, you can fight fungal nails with natural remedies.

This problem is usually not very serious but it can change the color, texture and shape of the nails.

The main cause of nail fungus is coming into contact with contaminated objects, such as dirty floors or shoes. But it can also be a result of your immune system being weakened. Finally, it can also be caused by excessive sweating.

Sometimes you don’t notice that you have this fungus at first. But after a few days, the fungal infection can give the nails a yellowish color. Usually this is also accompanied by weakening and breaking of the nails.

Fortunately, there are various remedies and products that can combat fungal nails. The ingredients of these remedies ensure that the fungi are removed before they cause further complications.

One of these options that can combat fungal nails is a completely natural treatment with apple cider vinegar and baking soda. These are two antifungal ingredients that speed up recovery. In addition, they do not cause any unwanted side effects.

We will now give you information about the positive effects of this remedy. Then we also explain how you can make this simple treatment yourself at home. You just need to follow a few simple steps.

Fighting lime nails with apple cider vinegar and baking soda

By using apple cider vinegar and baking soda, you choose a natural remedy that will help you fight fungal nails. This specific fungus affects the composition of the nails.

This treatment stops the growth of microorganisms. In this way you prevent the nail from weakening, turning yellow or from a dark discoloration of the nail.

No yeast infection can cure overnight. But if you use this treatment regularly, you will avoid breaking your nails.

It is also very important that you maintain good hygiene habits. Proper and regular cleansing of the body is essential to destroy the environment the fungus needs to grow.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apples are fermented to make apple cider vinegar. This process makes it possible to release healthy bacteria and yeast elements.

As a result, apple cider vinegar not only gets its specific sour taste. The fermentation also releases a host of antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help protect the body.

  • It contains malic acid and acetic acid. Those are two alkaline compounds that help stop yeast infections.
  • When applied regularly, it disrupts the environment the fungus needs to multiply. As a result, the infections are removed.
  • It contains an interesting amount of bioflavonoids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Among many other effects, these elements will improve the health of the skin.

The benefits of baking soda

Baking soda or baking soda is a natural product that is not only used in cooking. You can also use it in the household or for healing purposes.

  • It possesses antiseptic, alkaline and antimycotic properties. This makes it very useful for controlling various types of internal and external infections.
  • Applying it topically removes the dead skin cells that build up on the skin’s surface. It also stops the growth of fungi that affect the nails.
  • It is an ideal means of regulating the pH value of your skin. In addition, it reduces excessive sweating and other conditions that promote the development of fungi and bacteria.
  • As it also has the whitening property, it will help to restore the natural complexion of the nails. Because it reduces the ugly yellow or brown color.

How to make this remedy with apple cider vinegar and baking soda that can fight fungal nails? 

You apply the treatment with apple cider vinegar and baking soda in two simple steps:

  • First, apply the vinegar directly to the nails.
  • After a few minutes, use the baking soda to strengthen the anti-fungal treatment.

What ingredients do you need for this?

  • 6 cups of water (1.5 liters)
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • 7 1/2 tablespoons baking soda (75 g)

How do you prepare it?

  • Warm the water until it reaches a temperature that is still tolerable on the skin. Put it in a container that your feet can fit in, then add the apple cider vinegar.
  • Now place the feet in this liquid. Let them soak for fifteen minutes. Then dry them well.
  • Then apply the baking soda. Do this by massaging gently and exfoliating.
  • Rub the baking soda directly on the nails. Then let it act for another fifteen minutes.
  • Now rinse with warm water and dry well again.
  • Repeat the treatment every night to improve the appearance of the affected nails.

Keep in mind that while this method can remove the fungi, you won’t achieve any effects by using it just once.

It is really important that you consistently apply this remedy. That is the only way to subject the fungi to an acidic environment that encourages their complete elimination.

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