Facial Skin Detoxification Treatments

Your skin covers your entire body, and it is very important to take good care of it. Learn how to do it in this article!
Facial Skin Detoxification Treatments

Have you ever considered using detox treatments for your face? Toxins can cause disorders, changes and reactions in the body.

In other words, a poisoning is a change in the body, which can no longer maintain its normal or ideal balance. As a result, symptoms arise as a result of a harmful substance.

Thousands of chemical reactions take place in our bodies to maintain our internal balance and health. However, this  balance is affected every day by external factors  such as bacteria, solar radiation, environmental pollution and other toxic substances that attack us all the time.

Our skin can become infected, by substances from our environment or by beauty products that block our pores. This is why we recommend cleansing our skin every night before going to bed.

Symptoms of poisoned skin

The possible signs that our skin is poisoned include:

  • Stiffness caused by an increase in the number of dead cells in the skin, which creates a layer on the surface of the skin that causes it to dry out.
  • Roughness, caused by dehydration from the toxins.
  • Flaky skin due to large flakes coming off, although it sometimes looks like a thin powder.
  • Itching is another result of toxins in the skin, and is an impulsive response to the discomfort caused by the tight skin. The more severe the poisoning, the more severe the itching.

Why we should take good care of our skin

The skin is the barrier that protects us from all kinds of external factors. So it is important to take  good care of our skin so that it can perform its tasks well. 

The benefits of taking good care of the skin include:

  • Delay in the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Radiating skin.
  • Look less tired.
  • Less acne and pimples.
  • Softer skin.
  • For women, less damage from makeup.
  • Less chance of damage from poisoning.

Natural Detoxification Treatments for Facial Skin

1. Natural honey and strawberry mask

Honey and strawberries

This is one of our favorite facial skin detox treatments.

Honey is very effective and has many benefits for the skin. The high sugar content, which contains substances such as glucose and alpha hydroxy acids, makes it a great scrub that revitalizes and softens the skin.

It also regenerates dead cells and it is not aggressive. Not only does it exfoliate, but it also moisturizes the skin.

Strawberries are good allies when it comes to even skin tone. This is mainly due to the salicylic acid, which lightens dark spots resulting from sun exposure, aging or hair removal.

You can reduce these types of dark spots and achieve a lighter, more even skin tone.


  • 50 grams of honey
  • 10 strawberries


  • First you wash the strawberries, after which you cut and mash them.
  • When they are well mashed, put them in a plastic container and add the honey.
  • Stir well and let the ingredients stand for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your face well, apply the mixture and leave it on for an hour.
  • Then rinse your face with plenty of cool water.

2. Yogurt and oatmeal mask

Yogurt and oatmeal

The second of our detox treatments includes yogurt and oatmeal.

Yogurt is good for our health because of the nutrients it contains. A bowl of yogurt contains:

  • 180mg calcium
  • 240mg potassium
  • 17mg magnesium
  • vitamin A
  • B vitamins, including B2, B12 folic acid and nicotinic acid

Yogurt is a very good natural scrub. It is ideal because  it helps to cleanse the skin of dead skin cells,  which tend to accumulate on the face. This creates blackheads when they mix with sebum.

Oatmeal is a great source of fiber, magnesium, copper, iron and potassium. It also provides antioxidants, which are good for the care of the skin.


  • 250 ml natural yogurt
  • 30 grams of oatmeal


  • Pour the yogurt into a small plastic container.
  • Add the oats and stir well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Then apply the mixture all over the face.
  • Let it sit for an hour, avoiding the sun.
  • Then rinse the skin well with cold water.

Healthy, well-groomed skin always speaks for itself. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to it and take good care of it so you can keep  looking young.

Don’t hesitate to try these two great detox treatments. These masks are easy to make and apply. You will see how good they are for the health of your skin!

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