Make Seed Bags To Ease Back Pain

Depending on the type of pain, both hot and cold seed packets can help relieve back pain. An advantage of seed bags is that you will burn yourself less quickly this way.
Make seed bags to ease back pain

Muscle pain is a common form of discomfort. For example, you can suffer from it because you have a heavy lifestyle or when you have exerted yourself physically too hard.

There are plenty of things that can cause tension and pain in the muscles. Some of these are:

  • Bad posture
  • Too much exercise
  • Experiencing too much stress

When we suffer from pain, we usually choose to take regular painkillers. These drugs can help to ease the pain and speed up the recovery process.

Painkillers, don’t take them too often

However, research shows that it is not good at all to take large amounts of painkillers.  Excessive consumption of painkillers can be very counterproductive and cause various unwanted side effects.

Fortunately, there are also alternative solutions. These solutions have the same analgesic effect without the risk of unwanted side effects. One such solution is the interesting seed bags that we share in this article.

Seed bags are very popular for their ability to relieve pain.

This treatment is completely ecological and natural and can be prepared at home. By doing this we can use things we already have around the house and save a lot of money.

Do you want to know how to make these seed bags?

What are the benefits of seed bags?

Make Seed Bag

Seed bags are exactly what you would expect upon hearing the name. They are small, cotton bags that are filled with seeds. You can use all kinds of seeds for this.

  • Seed bags have been used for quite some time. They can therefore provide many cold and warm therapeutic benefits. For example, they can help to relieve pain in the joints, muscles and other parts of the body.
  • The main function of these bags is to improve blood circulation in those parts of the body where you place the bag against. This is because they are able to inhibit inflammation and provide a sense of relief.
  • Seed bags can also help relieve headaches, fever and other inflammatory problems.

Below we share a list of the seeds that you can use for this.

These seeds are good to use because they have many healing properties.

Some of the most commonly used seeds are:

  • Flax seed
  • Wheat
  • night beauty
  • rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Barley
  • Coin
  • Rice
  • canary seed
  • Sesame seed
  • sunflower seeds

The main advantage these seeds offer is their size. Thanks to their size, these seeds can adapt to any shape, so they are always ready for use.

How do you make seed bags?

seed bag

You can already buy these small sachets ready-made in some stores these days and they are mainly bought by people who suffer from constant ailments and pain.

However, if you are good at sewing, you can also just make your own bag at home. This way you can save some money. In addition, you can use cheap materials and cheaper seeds.


  • 1 piece of cotton
  • 1 needle
  • Wire (the color of your choice)
  • Seeds or rice (the amount needed)


  • First you cut out a piece of cotton. Then make sure that the piece of fabric can be heated in the microwave. Since the idea is to save money, you can of course just use old clothes.
  • Choose the seeds you want to use: flaxseed, rice, chia seeds or even chickpeas. After you’ve gathered enough seeds to fill your bag, you can put the seeds back into storage.
  • You can also choose to add aromatic herbs. This will only enhance the analgesic and sedative properties.
  • Use a needle and thread to make a small pocket from your piece of fabric. Finally, keep an opening to put the seeds in.
  • Fortunately, if you are not very good at sewing, there is another way to make your pouch. Place the seeds in the middle of your piece of fabric, bring the four corners together and then simply tie a rubber band or piece of string around it to seal the bag.
  • If you did sew your bag yourself, you can then put the seeds in the bag. Do not fill the bag completely. It is not the intention that the bag becomes hard.
  • Once the seeds are in, you can sew the bag all the way shut so the seeds don’t just slip out again. Once you’ve done this, you can use your seed bag as a therapy to relax your muscles.

How do you use seed bags?

Seed bag against muscle pain

You can use these sachets both hot and cold,  making them capable of treating different types of pain.


First heat the bag in the microwave for two minutes. This is enough to ensure that the bag is warm. The bag should then remain warm for about half an hour. Make sure the bag is not too hot. Otherwise you could burn yourself.

Use warm seed bags against:

  • muscle strain
  • neck pain
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Tendonitis
  • Stiff neck


First put the bag in the freezer. Then let it cool for about two hours. This is enough to keep the seeds cold. Then place the cold bag on the sore part of the body. Let the bag sit for about twenty minutes.

Cold seed bags are useful against the following problems:

  • Headache
  • Circulatory problems
  • Fever
  • Sprains
  • bruises
  • insect bites
  • Tired eyes

Seed bags are a great and easy solution and can help ease one of the most common aches and pains.

Try it out for yourself

Try making one yourself and make sure it’s always ready to use. That way, you can take advantage of its many benefits any time you experience pain.

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