Siblings, The Best Friends You Never Chose

Quarrels between siblings are often not negative at all, but can actually help them to grow. While there may be many ups and downs in their relationship, at the same time they know that the other will always be there for them when one needs them.
Siblings, the best friends you never chose

Friends are important people who will always be by your side because, somehow, you choose them. This does not apply to siblings, those relatives who become your best friends and with whom you spend much of your life.

The relationship between siblings is one of the most intense relationships you can experience in your life.

When there is something you don’t like or constant arguments in other relationships, the relationship often ends. This is almost never the case with siblings,  while ups and downs between siblings may be even more common.

You can always count on your brothers and sisters


Your brothers and sisters are the people who know you through and through. You do not choose to be stuck with them yourself and yet you have spent at least a few years of your life with them.

This may be quite difficult between partners, but between siblings there is no other option at all. This is a situation that opens up opportunities for all sorts of problems that always need to be addressed.

In addition, the fact that almost everything is always forgiven, despite the fights and anger, is based on the unconditional love that exists between brothers and sisters.  This is a love forged over the years from the fun, tears, questions and opinions shared by siblings.

Would you like to hear something interesting? Fighting between siblings is not negative at all, but can actually help you learn to control your emotional impulses and become more flexible. To put all your negative feelings aside and deal with the situation in a clear way in moments of anger.

What else can the relationship between you and your siblings offer you? Let’s take a look at some benefits that might surprise you:

  • You get more self-confidence.
  • You become much more generous.
  • Believe it or not, you will also become more patient.
  • You can avoid problems at a young age.
  • You will never be lonely.

Of course, you can also experience these benefits if you don’t have any siblings. However, if you do have siblings, you will definitely notice these benefits in your life.

The relationship between siblings is incomparable

sisters and a bear

While you may have strong bonds with your friends or other people in your life, it’s impossible to compare these bonds to the bond you have with your siblings.

Just think about it: ever since you were very little you have spent your life with your brothers and sisters, a time when there is a level of security that cannot be compared with things you can build with others.

Without even trying, regardless of your worst (and most beautiful) moments, you will always stay together. This is a promise that people make to each other when they get married. However, this promise can simply be broken when the marriage falls apart. However, this will never happen between siblings.

It may indeed be the case that sometimes there is no such bond even between brothers and sisters. There are cases where one of the siblings behaves in a toxic way towards the other or where their characters are so far apart that they have little to do with each other.

When this happens, a disastrous relationship develops that is a very negative experience for both of them.

Sometimes there is selfishness or unpleasant circumstances. In a normal relationship, hopefully you share both the good and the bad experiences with each other. If this doesn’t happen, you may be dealing with a bad sibling who only harbors negative feelings.

Nevertheless, it is normal for siblings to be part of each other’s life experiences and see each other as family.

The Eternal Bond

girlfriends or sisters

If at some point in your life you both go in different directions, you know deep down that the trust you share will still be there when you meet again one day.

And if something happens to you or if you have a problem? Then you know that your brother or sister will always be there for you, ready to help you.

Think of your relationship with your siblings as a tree. No matter how far apart the branches grow, they all have the same roots,  so they always stay connected. Those understanding looks, the language only you understand, the secrets you will never tell anyone…

Your siblings are an important part of your life. It is therefore important that you value them, protect them and keep them close to you. No relationship is as pure and healthy as the relationship between siblings. It is a relationship based on true, unconditional love. 

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