Bags Under The Eyes: How Do You Get Rid Of Them?

Bags under the eyes form when moisture accumulates in this area. Remember to blink often to keep your eyes hydrated and let the natural fluids disperse.
Bags under the eyes: how do you get rid of them?

Bags under the eyes are a telltale sign of exhaustion. They form when fluids accumulate in the region. This can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, allergies and more.

If puffy eyes are a part of your daily life, the first thing to do is to discover the cause. Bags under the eyes are one of the ways your body is asking you to make a change and get more rest. To help remove them, try the following natural remedies.


Protein is not only good for a healthy breakfast. You can also include them in your anti-puffiness beauty treatment. The white of an egg and a small brush is all you need.

Use the brush to apply the egg white to your skin and let it dry (about twenty minutes). You can remove the egg white when it has completely dried and has a whitish color. Rinse it off with warm water and enjoy hydrated and even skin.

Cucumber slices against inflammation

A classic beauty treatment is placing cucumber slices on each eye. This not only provides a fresh and pleasant feeling, but also helps you get rid of those annoying bags.

Thanks to its vitamin C and silicon content, the cucumber helps against fluid retention. Simply take two slices of this vegetable, put them in the freezer for a few minutes until they are well cold and place one slice on each eye. Let the slices sit for ten minutes.

Avoid sodium

Salt causes your body to retain more fluid than it normally would. The result of this is bloating and this applies to every part of your body – including your eyes.

Eliminating salt from the diet isn’t easy for everyone, but if you can, you’ll reap countless health and beauty benefits.

Don’t forget to look closely at the nutritional content of prepackaged foods. Try to avoid products that contain high amounts of sodium.

Flashing repeatedly

Repeated blinking for bags under the eyes

During the deepest phase of your sleep, your eyes blink faster than normal. The purpose of the blinking is to keep the eyes moist while you are dreaming. But if you don’t get a deep sleep or don’t blink enough during the day, the natural fluids in your eyes aren’t being distributed properly.

This is a common but often unknown cause of bags under the eyes. Try to blink more consciously during the day.

Chamomile tea or green tea

Chamomile tea and green tea are very calming drinks. This effect is not only transferred to your mood, but can also be seen in your face.

After drinking your tea, save the tea bags and put them in the freezer. Once they are nice and cold, place a bag on each eye and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes. This is a quick fix that will leave you feeling very refreshed.

Stay hydrated

Drinking water for bags under the eyes

If you don’t drink enough water, you will suffer from puffiness and dry skin. Try to drink at least two liters of water a day. Doing this will help you maintain beautiful and healthy skin and improve your overall bodily functions.

If you notice those pesky puffiness starting to form, check how much water you drink. Remember that processed juices and coffee do not count towards your fluid intake.


If you don’t have a cucumber on hand, you can also use a raw potato. Do exactly the same as with the cucumber slices. The active ingredient in this vegetable is starch, which can be good for the skin.


Milk for bags under the eyes

Milk is also a useful home remedy to get rid of bags under the eyes. Simply soak two cotton pads or a cloth in some warm milk.

Apply the milk to the skin under your eyes, but be careful not to get the milk in your eyes. Let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes to relieve stress and tension. Then rinse it well with warm water.

Use two cold spoons for bags under the eyes

If you still can’t get rid of your bags, try this handy trick with spoons. You will need two clean metal spoons. Place them in the freezer and let them chill overnight or at least five hours.

Place a spoon on each eye where the bags have formed and hold the spoon there until it reaches room temperature. If you do this every two weeks, you will definitely see results.

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