3 Easy Ways To Lighten Your Hair

3 easy ways to lighten your hair

Is it possible to lighten your hair in an easy and natural way? Of course! These tricks will be very useful for your daily routine if you want to change your look or just try something new. Not only do they give you a slightly different hair color, but they also promote the overall health of your hair and make it look brighter. Are you ready to try them out today?

1. Chamomile rinse to lighten your hair

Chamomile rinse for lighter hair

First, we should mention that if you follow these tips for naturally lighter hair, your hair won’t go from dark brown to platinum blonde. What you will see is a lighter, brighter shade and color. For example, if your hair is naturally chestnut, you will notice a golden hue.

Now we also want to note that chamomile is one of the most commonly used products to lighten your hair. And to enhance its natural properties, we are going to add lemon juice to the mixture.

Lemon juice is the most effective ingredient to lighten hair naturally, but over time it will dry out your hair. That’s why we recommend combining it with chamomile, so that you can better protect your hair from drying out. How do you do it? It’s so easy. Heat two cups of water and add two bags of chamomile tea. When it boils, take it off the heat and put it in the fridge.

After it has cooled, add the juice of half a lemon. Apply this liquid to damp hair with a spray bottle. Leave it on for 20 minutes before washing your hair with your normal shampoo and use a good conditioner to lock in the moisture. Try this twice a week and you will see how beautiful it gets!

2. Rinse with egg, beer and lemon

Rinse with egg, beer and lemon


This is another great choice worth applying twice a week. As you can see, we add lemon juice again , because it helps to lighten the hair naturally. Just remember that you should never use it on its own. Lemon has astringent properties, which will damage your hair over time. Watch out!

So we’re going to add other ingredients, which in addition to lightening and brightening your hair, also provide nourishment, shine and softness. Bring on the beer and egg!

How do we do it? Pay attention:

  • Beat one egg white until it becomes thick.
  • Add half a cup of non-alcoholic beer.
  • Stir it well and add the juice of half a lemon.

The next step? Apply this mixture to damp hair with a gentle massage. Then let it sit for 20 minutes before washing normally and applying a good conditioner. You will see how shiny your hair is and over time it will become lighter.

3. Honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar rinse

 Rinse with honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar 

You will love this method. It’s easy and gives you great results that you can see every time. Again, lemon juice never fails. We add two other ingredients to lighten your hair and keep it healthy. Do not skip any of the following steps:

  • Heat a cup of water and add two tablespoons of honey.
  • Once it boils, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and the juice of half a lemon.
  • Stir it well and keep it in your fridge. Apply to damp hair once it has cooled down.
  • Use a spray bottle if that makes it easier or you can massage it into your hair as with the previous method. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes with either method.
  • Then wash your hair as you normally do and do n’t forget the conditioner. Your results will be great.

To finish:

To conclude, it’s good to mention again that if you have very dark hair, you won’t get a light brown or amber hair color all at once. The tricks we have described here will make your hair lighter and brighter, but they are not enough to completely change your hair color. However, if you use them regularly, they will give you natural highlights and make your hair look more beautiful.

Also remember to be careful when using lemon juice and never apply it to your hair on its own as it can really dry out your hair. The best way to use lemon is to combine it with other ingredients we have described. Always use a strong conditioner afterwards to protect and moisturize your hair.

And how many times a week can you use these simple tricks? About twice a week is sufficient. It is easy and effective and you will find your hair looking attractive and shiny in no time . So are you ready?

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