6 Healthy Snacks To Take To Work

Are you often attacked by hunger during your working hours? If you want to satisfy your appetite and avoid those high-calorie ultra-processed foods, here are some suggestions for healthy snacks.
6 healthy snacks to take to work

Do you want to be careful with your diet, but are there only vending machines with unhealthy options at work? Here are 6 healthy snacks with both sweet and savory options that are easy to prepare and take to work.

These snacks are perfect for when you start to get hungry in the middle of the morning or afternoon. That way you won’t come home hungry or storm the vending machine! Try These 6 Healthy Snacks Instead!

6 healthy snack ideas for work

Healthy vegetable chips snacks

Healthy chips

If chips are your downfall, vegetable chips are the perfect alternative. Choose your favorite vegetables ( carrots, zucchini, beets, etc.) and make your chips as follows:

  • Cut the vegetables into very thin slices.
  • Spread them on a baking sheet.
  • Rub them with olive oil and aromatic herbs such as oregano, pepper, rosemary, curry, etc.
  • Then bake on medium temperature for about 20 minutes.
  • Then let them cool so that they become crispy.
  • Put them in a plastic bag to take them to work. They can be kept for several days.

Homemade vegetable chips are much healthier than prepackaged chips. Plus, they’re satisfying and help satisfy your hunger between meals.

Yogurt with fruit, cinnamon and dark chocolate

The best option when choosing a yogurt is plain or one with no added sugar or sweeteners. You can choose full- fat, low-fat, Greek, or soy yogurt, depending on your individual needs and preferences.

Thanks to the sweet taste of fruit, cinnamon and dark chocolate, this mixture is tasty and tasty. Another important thing to remember is to make sure that the dark chocolate is at least 70% cocoa.

  • You can change the fruit you want to add to create different options.
  • Mix everything together and put it in a plastic container to take to work.

Healthy oat and banana cookies

If you are one of those people who likes to eat cookies  between meals, here is a different kind of recipe with only two ingredients that you can try to make healthy and simple cookies.

  • First, crush a very ripe banana using a fork and mix with instant oats (about 30 g).
  • Add ground cinnamon, nuts, and dried fruits such as raisins, if desired .
  • Then divide the dough into small spoon-sized portions on a baking tray covered with baking paper.
  • Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes at 180 and let them cool.

You will be amazed how delicious these are! Just make sure you keep the cookies in a tightly closed container to keep them fresh and tasty for longer.

Mini carrots with cottage cheese

Snack to take to work

Cottage cheese is a food produced by curdling milk to form solid particles and whey. It is therefore an important source of protein. You can eat it with carrots, tomatoes or other raw vegetables. This is a healthy and low calorie snack.

This is a good option if you want to lose weight because it is very low in fat. In addition, it is also ideal if you want to gain muscle mass, because cottage cheese contains four times more protein than milk. You can eat it with mini carrots that are easy to carry or with cherry tomatoes.

Chia seed and fruit pudding

This is a good option for a snack or afternoon snack at work. You can carry it in a small glass jar. Chia seeds are rich in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Some researchers believe that chia seeds may help reduce the risk of diseases such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It also contains soluble fiber which, when in contact with a liquid, forms a gel-like substance that prolongs the feeling of satiety.

  • To make chia pudding, mix 3 tablespoons of raw chia seeds with 200 ml of milk or fruit-based drink.
  • After that , you need to keep it in the fridge for a few hours so that it becomes gelatinous.
  • Then, as the top layer, add any fruits you like: mango, strawberries, kiwi, etc.
  • Prepare it the night before and put it in the fridge so it’s ready to take to work the next day.

Edamame (soybeans)

Originating in Asian cuisine, Edamame is a new popular healthy snack that is as addictive as a bag of chips. Remember to consume everything in moderation.

To prepare them, simply boil the green soybeans (without thawing first) in boiling salted water for 3 to 5 minutes. Then drain them and they are ready! If you want a recommendation, it’s a good idea to accompany them with seeds, paprika or soy sauce.

Why eat edamame? It is a great source of plant proteins and micronutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and manganese, as well as vitamins such as C. They also contain isoflavones, which are very beneficial for your health.

Enjoy eating these 6 healthy snacks and start a trend at your office! Without a doubt, these are options that will help you take care of your figure as well as your health.

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