5 Facial Toners That Will Make Your Skin Healthy Again

Choose to prepare your natural facial toner at home and avoid the risk of allergies and side effects that can arise from using artificial and synthetic products that alter the acidity of your skin.
5 facial toners that will make your skin healthy again

Facial toners are desperately needed in our environment. After all, there are many factors that can damage the skin, making it look dull and unkempt:

  • Eating unhealthy
  • air pollution
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Unprotected sunbathing
  • Commercial Skin Care Products

However, in this article, discover how you  can make your own facial toners at home  to combat skin aging, under-eye bags and other skin problems.

They are prepared exclusively with natural ingredients such as carrot, cucumber, lemon and vinegar.

Why you use facial toners

As the years go by, it’s smart to think about how we can take care of our skin if we want to avoid premature wrinkles, blotchy or puffy skin.

Like almost everyone else, you probably already use a moisturizer every day to keep your skin hydrated, but few of us know that we’re actually skipping an important step for good skincare: applying facial toners.

Its benefits

Discover the benefits of facial toners for your skin and preferably apply them twice a day:

  • After washing and rinsing your face with cool water and before applying a moisturizer.
  • In the evening before going to sleep. Remove all makeup and cleanse your face. Then use the facial toner and reapply a nourishing night cream if desired.

It is important to choose natural products that do not contain alcohol or other chemical ingredients that are much too aggressive for your skin and will undoubtedly damage your skin in the long term.

After all, these substances change the acidity of the skin, making it easier for toxins to enter the body through the pores and you actually achieve the opposite effect.

Carrots for perfect skin


If you want to spend some time in the sun after a long winter and give your skin a nice tan in a healthy way, you can make a natural facial toner with carrot. The toner will protect the skin from the harmful UV rays, while beta-carotene will give you a beautiful, flattering complexion.

Enjoy a carrot smoothie for breakfast regularly. Don’t be afraid to use that same juice to take care of your skin.

Cucumber and lemon

cucumber lemonade

This is a 100% natural, homemade toner that will taste great and can also be applied topically to the skin for maximum effect.

  • Blend a medium cucumber with half a lemon in the blender.
  • If you buy organic fruits and vegetables, you can safely add the skin of both to the smoothie.

As you may know, cucumber is full of water, which makes it a super refresher for your face and also cleans and softens the skin.

Lemon is also known as a natural cleanser that you can use to target acne, dark spots and blackheads.

apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

This simple facial toner has been used by women all over the world for decades.

  • What you need for this is good quality organic apple cider vinegar and unpasteurized so none of the nourishing minerals and vitamins are lost.

The skin has a slightly acidic pH (between 4.2 and 5.6) and apple cider vinegar helps to maintain this pH, which prevents your skin from drying out or looking dull. You have a ready-to-use facial toner of super quality, for which you also do not have to dig deep into your pouch.

How do you prepare this facial toner?

  • Mix one part apple cider vinegar with four parts water.
  • Don’t worry about the typical vinegar smell. This will disappear by itself after a few minutes.

rose water

Rose water is a distilled liquid extracted from the petals of roses. It probably goes without saying that the aroma of this liquid is intoxicating, romantic and super feminine. In addition, it makes your skin vital and provides renewed firmness!

  • The astringent properties of rose water shrink the pores.
  • It also removes excess skin sebum and reduces the appearance of red spots on the skin.
  • This toner refreshes, softens your face and rebalances the pH of the skin.

Radiant skin with rosemary

rosemary oil

Rosemary facial toners are a true classic for skin and facial care. This medicinal plant stimulates blood circulation, so that your skin is also in top condition again.

You can prepare this toner in two ways:

  • First chop a few sprigs of rosemary into fine pieces and mix this with water and an equal part apple cider vinegar.
  • Then mix 10 ml or two tablespoons of water with fifteen drops of rosemary essential oil.

Always make sure that all ingredients are well mixed before applying to the skin. Tip: Apply the liquid in a small atomizer to apply the toner evenly on the face.

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