20 Amazing Facts About Chocolate

Chocolate has a wonderful taste, it is nice to eat on its own or in combination with many other foods and desserts.
20 Amazing Facts About Chocolate

F eel people feel guilty when they eat chocolate, without, however, they know that a little chocolate can give their body healthy nutrients. Keep reading to discover 20 facts about chocolate !

A growing body of research has shown that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, making it a healthy addition to any diet due to its important health benefits.

These studies have found that dark chocolate is full of flavonoids. These are powerful antioxidants that help protect the body against various ailments.

There are many things people don’t know about chocolate. After reading these 20 facts about chocolate, you’ll probably start to enjoy this candy a bit more (don’t overdo it, of course!).

Surprising facts about chocolate

Chocolate bar

Did you know these 10 facts about chocolate?

  • Chocolate contains a small amount of caffeine compared to other products, such as coffee and tea.
  • Eating chocolate can help treat and prevent various types of pain as it is a natural pain reliever.
  • Just one piece of chocolate can give your body enough energy to run 150 meters.
  • The nutrients in chocolate help grow good bacteria in the body.
  • Because of the flavonoids that chocolate contains, it protects the skin slightly better from the sun and that would reduce the risk of sunburn.
  • The scent helps people to relax. Chocolate also stimulates the production of endorphins, which are responsible for feelings of pleasure and happiness. It also increases serotonin levels.
  • Eating chocolate improves memory and concentration. This is also due to the flavonoids, which improve blood flow to the brain for two to three hours after you eat it.
  • It can help prevent cavities because the antibacterial compounds in cocoa beans counteract the action of sugar.
  • It reduces fatigue and improves physical performance.
  • Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, which can increase life expectancy with regular consumption.

Still curious? Here’s another 10 interesting facts

  • A study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior  found that a piece of dark chocolate can help you see better in low-light conditions.
  • Chocolate is good for the heart thanks to its antioxidant content. Eating dark chocolate can help dilate blood vessels and promote blood flow. In addition, it prevents plaque from adhering to the vessel walls.
  • While many people don’t believe this, chocolate can aid weight loss due to its antioxidant content and power to make you feel fuller.
  • Eating chocolate during pregnancy helps prevent stress and improves mood.
  • It is used in many beauty products as it moisturizes the skin and helps prevent wrinkles.
  • It is claimed that dark chocolate can help prevent coughing.
  • The antioxidants keep you looking younger.
  • The flavonoids in chocolate fight free radicals in the body.  Therefore, chocolate helps lower the risk of disease and the candy promotes cell renewal.
  • Recent studies have found that women who eat 500 grams of dark chocolate per week reduce their risk of stroke by 20%.
  • Cocoa contains oleic acid, a type of fat that can help raise levels of good cholesterol.

Tips for chocolate lovers

Dark chocolate
  • Dark chocolate is the most beneficial for health. While some lighter chocolates retain certain beneficial properties, they are still less beneficial than the darker varieties.
  • Moderate chocolate consumption to a maximum of 50 grams per day.
  • People with diabetes and overweight problems should consult their doctor before adding dark chocolate to their diet.
  • Make sure the chocolate you buy contains at least 65% cocoa.

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